Sport Revised Diet

Sport Fitness
Ok, here is one day out of my latest revision in my diet (taking into consideration the suggestions that were made about the last one)... I'm 6'3" and 254 lbs and trying to cut. With that said, here it is, tell me if you think it's good or not, and if not, what would you change?:

1/2 Grapefruit 52
3 egg whites and 2 yolks (poached) 169
3 oz ham (microwaved) 140
1 slice of bread (toasted) 80
1 cup orange juice 122

Beginner H.I.I.T. ROUTINE

1 Apple 72
1 egg whites (hardboiled) 17
1 Lemon 17

1 can of Tuna in water 125
1/2 cup celery 10
1/2 cup zucchini 15
1 banana 105
1 activia yogurt 110

1 cup Pineapple 76
1 protein shake scoop 120
1 cup skim milk 86

1 orange or tangerine 50
2 egg whites (hardboiled) 34

1 dash of dulse 7
1 teaspoon Quinoa 14
1 clove Garlic 4
2 tbsp ranch dressing 148
1/2 cup Asparagus 23
6 oz Salmon 198
1 Lemon 17
1/2 cup Greens 30
1 Carrot 31
1 celery stick 10
1/4 cucumber 10

1 kiwi 46
1 dessert of any type < 100 cals 100

Total Calories 2038
It looks pretty good. You might be hungry though. Some other suggestions on vegetables are broccoli, spinach, peppers (Red, Yellow, and Orange). Maybe cut down on the sugar slightly and replace it with complex carbs.
Yeah, this was just one day, I've got broccoli in there for another day... but not spinach. It's impossible to find spinach here since the recall last summer. I might grow some in the garden next summer. I should be a lot less hungry with this one than I was with the last one.
Yeah, that's because I built it specifically a bit low... I'm just starting out, so I have very little muscle mass to burn calories with. After I bulk next spring, I'll add 200 more per day next time I cut. I was actually looking over it again, and realized that I didn't mean to put a whole cup of Orange Juice in there in the morning... only 1/2 cup... so it should be 61 fewer than what's currently showing even. If I need to make up those calories, I could do a bigger portion of meat in the evening, or maybe someone else has another idea. Also, I will add an extra hundred calories on days that I do a full body workout.
Just because you don't have alot of muscle yet, doesn't mean you aren't burning calories. Don't get to caught up in the muscle mass to fat burning ratio. Its not that dramatic until you hit extreme high levels of muscle anyway and even then the exact numbers are still not yet determined. Metabolism boost is what you are looking for, starving not only doesn't bring that about, it worsens its. I would throw in some more calories and more protein. Also there is alot of fruit in there and very few complex carbs. Way to many simple sugars to sustain all day, you will find yourself more hungry with the low amount of protein and the high amount of simple sugars, could lead to some afternoon-early night crashes and craving urges. Simple rules...

-Always pair a carb with a protein.
-Pair your fats with protein.
-Get in your complex carbs over simple to provide a longer period of steady blood sugar.
-Watch simple sugars before bed, I think its wise to go protein/fat closer to bed time. Carbs are energy, don't need energy as much prior to bed.
-Up those calories, burn more with exercise then depriving yourself of calories, it keeps your systems burning.
Ok, thank you... I'll have to re-figure it. Getting specific to this one, what would you add or take away to make it work better?
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Take away the pineapple and yogurt since they are high in sugar. Add a tuna sandwich on whole wheat bread with mustard for better taste. Sunflower oil is low in saturated fat so if you are low in fat for the day than that would be better tasting with the tuna.
Ok, how is this...


1/2 Grapefruit 52
3 egg whites and 2 yolks (poached) 169
3 oz ham (microwaved) 140
1 slice of bread (toasted) 80
1/2 cup orange juice 61


1 activia yogurt 110

2 slices of bread 140
1 can of Tuna in water 125
1/2 cup zucchini 15
1 banana 105
1/2 cup celery 10
2 Tbsp peanut butter 190
1 cup Chocolate Soy Milk 150

1 protein shake scoop 120
1 cup skim milk 86

1 kiwi 46
1 orange or tangerine 50
2 egg whites (hardboiled) 34

1 dash of dulse 7
1 teaspoon Quinoa 14
1 clove Garlic 4
2 tbsp ranch dressing 110
1/2 cup Asparagus 23
8 oz Tilapia 216
1 Lemon 17
1/2 cup Greens 30
1 Carrot 31
1 celery stick 10
1/4 cucumber 10

1 cheese stick 90

Total 2245 calories with just over 150g of Protein
Well you got the right foods there. I go by the Food Pyramid. 6-11 servings breads, pasta, and rice, 3-4 servings of vegetables, 2-3 servings of fruit, 2-3 servings of dairy, and 1-2 servings of meats, poultry, nuts. The meal I usually I go with is this.
Breakfast All Bran Cereal about 200 calories
Smoothie (Milk and Fruit blended) 150 calories

Lunch Tuna Sandwhich 420 calories
Salad 150 calories with lite ranch dressing
Clif Bar 280 Calories
Lunch 2 Fruit smoothie 150 calories
almonds=150 calories
Dinner 1 Lean Pockets 280 calories

Dinner 2 Split Pea Soup 300 calories

Before bed time All Bran Cereal 200 calories

About 2250 calories.
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I've only been doing HIIT on a stationary bike but I've seemed to get really strong in my quads so I guess it is yes. I'm not trying to lose weight though. I think you'll have success whether it's a high carb diet or high protein as long as you watch your calorie intake which you are. I'm 5'11 and 175 by the way. Fiber though is important for weight loss as I've heard so you probably want to find foods that are high in fiber.
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