Sport revised diet (opinions please)

Sport Fitness
Age: 17 , 160lbs
goal: Max fat loss, tonning up body.
According to what I hear online my RMR is around 2000
I've been eating 1500 calories for about 3 months. Lot some weight doing 30 + mins of cardio a dat, lifting weights, mostly arms/back/chest. (1 or 2 muscle groups every 2 days)
According to online info
Max carbs I should eat: 130g
Fat: 25% of total calories ( explain this please, 225 calories of fat?)

What I eat:
Breakfast(after 30 min run): Total cereal ( 3x cups 300 calories, no milk)+ orange (60 cals)
*Thinking about adding a 20g protein shake to this (110 cals)
Total calories: 470
Total Carbs: 90g
Total fat: 1.5g

2 hours later: Chicken breast (3 - 4 oz, 130 calories) + 1 cup vegis (100 cals)
Total calories: 280
Carb: 22g
Fat: around 3g

3 hours later: Tuna (170 calories), no carbs, fat 0.5g

2 hours later: Chicken breasts (260 calories) + protein shake (110) + 1 cup of vegies (100 calories)

All Day Totals:
Calories: 1400 calories
Carbs: 134
Fat: Not sure, like 6 - 8g

Total isn't that great a cereal...better than Fruit Loops, but a far cry from Oatmeal.
The body needs fat. If you remove too much fat, a man's body slows down testosterone production, which means you won't burn fat as readily and in fact may store fat since you'll have a higher percentage of estrogen (female hormone, which promotes fat storage, especially in hips and breast area).

What I see is that you're eating too many carbs at breakfast, and yes add some protein...egg whites would be perfect.

meal 2 looks fine

meal 3: add some healthy fat

meal 4: too much protein, split protein in half and add at least a meal 5.

get at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight when cutting, since you're skimping on carbs, you need the protein for maintenance of muscle mass. too few calories/protein and you'll start using muscle tissue to sustain the more vital parts of the body.
All right, how about this:

Breakfast: 1 cup of Total + 1 packet of oatmeal (100 cals 20 from fat / 3g of fat / 4g protein / 3g fiber / 19g carbs) + Protein shake + Orange

Meal 3: I get real sick of tuna actually, so insted some days I'll eat this low cal low carb (11g serving) chicken + veg stir fry type thing. Still only 1g fat though. What should I do to add more fat? Take a 1 tlb spoon of peanut butter?

Meal 4: I'll cut out the protein shake, and maybe somedays insted of mixed vegs I'll have 3/4 cup of these potatoes I bought. 2g fat 15g carbs

Meal 5: Suggestions?

As It stand now, if I did the math right I have only 95g carbs.