Review Of adreNOline From Ultimate Nutrition (See if waxy maize is worth the hype!)

So there has been a craze going about on a new type of carbohydrate that is supposed to be far superior to either dextrose or maltodextrin. It’s called waxy maize and today, we have a product by Ultimate Nutrition which is being hailed as the perfect DURING workout formula.

Yup, apparently pre and post workout supplements aren’t enough, if you’re serious, then its time to stock up on some DURING workout supplements also. So is adreNOline pure hype $h*t or worth the pretty penny? That’s what I’m here to find out... Read Full Article:

WARNING: Mildly adult language involved (hence why I linked it up)

So, what did you think? Do you use waxy maize yourself? If so post thoughts here.
I'm gonna fully agree with you on this.
The caffeine didn't help at all since I'm taking Animal Cuts (200mg caffeine).
The carbs just suck. Plain and simple.
