Reverse wrist curls

I tried to start working on my forearms a while ago and added some wrist curls to my workout which have been going fine, but I can't ever do a reverse curl because my wrist just starts clicking like crazy.

I don't know why it does, I've had the problem for a year or two in both wrists (it happens without using weights aswell). I thought doing curls might stop it but after trying to work past it, the joint just became really sore for about 3 days.

Is there any way to fix it, or are there any alternative exercises? :confused:

To build up forearms i found that doing hammercurls helped without me directly doin any work on the forearms also you can buy grip things that look like pliers and you squeeze them together
If pain is associated with the clicks as indicated then you should have a Medical professional look at it. Pops and cracks in the joints are usually nothing more then high pressure gas being expelled. However if pain is joined by the sound it usually indicates some type of physical trauma/deformity.
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I'd stick to lots of heavy back work (pullups, rowing, deadlifts, shrugs even) since gripping heavy weight increases grip strength and forearm strength.

wrist curls are not the answer. hammer curls will help with forearms though, as the icing on the cake AFTER heavy compound, freeweight back exercises.
I'd stick to lots of heavy back work (pullups, rowing, deadlifts, shrugs even) since gripping heavy weight increases grip strength and forearm strength.

Agreed, with the proper lifting regimen the forearms will develop naturally.
True of the posts earlier. Good form on pulling exercises will develop the forarms nicely. However, if you would like to target them, reverse curls are a great exercise for that. And no, you wont look like a noob. And who gives a shi* anway what some other jackas* in the gym thinks. 90% of the people in the gym have Shi* form anyway. Good for you asking the proper technique.

To answer your question, the best way to help with the wrist/joint problem is to do specific work with them. Do wrist rotations (no weight) until your forearm starts to get sore or burn. Stop for a rest interval. Then switch directions and repeat. Do a few sets a day, everyday, and the problem will completely go away. This is a common thing among martial artists. Also, the rotations will help build your forearms at the same time.;)

Then, go for the weighted exercise. Also, do the rotations in both directions before the weighted exercise as a warmup. This helps to lubricate your joints before you work them.