
Hello to everyone, I'm new here and my name is Stephanie.

I am 18 years old and about I have been consistantly working out hard for approximately 3 1/2 weeks. My routine consists of running on my treadmill in the mornings before breakfast 5 days a week for 40 minutes and have also been weight training 4 times per week, usually shoulders, biceps, triceps and chest. Also i have been supplementing my diet with whey isolate. I am 5'8" and i weigh 135-140 pounds. I would like to know how soon i should expect results, assuming that i continue with the way that i am exercising. My goal is to lower my body fat and to become lean and toned. Can anyone help me? Thanks!
Oh i forgot to mention that i eat extremely healthy and well balanced... no junk whatsoever with the exception of a treat every once in a while.

pretty good, just make sure you work out your abs and legs as well, you don't wanna leave them behind + it will help with your running.