Resting heart rate

Hi all,

I have been taking exercise reasonably seriously recently and so have been measuring my resting heart rate etc and was wondering whether this was at all normal.

Basically it seems to depend greatly on when in the day I measure it. When measured just before I go to bed it is usually around 52 ish, but upon waking it is usually at least 10 bpm faster and often reaches 70 ish.

The question is which one is 'true'? And is it normal to have such a varying resting heart rate?


Hi there. Here is some facts related to Resting Heart Rate (RHR), they may answer to your question
- RHR shows a clear daily rhythm, being essentially higher during waking time, and the variations are relatively small between 10 AM and 6 PM [1].
- RHR is higher in women than in men
- Normally RHR decrease with age, although this is not always as I read in some articles.
- RHR are different in sitting and standing positions.

[1] Nakagawa M, Iwao T, Ishida S, Yonemochi H, Fujino T, Saikawa T. Circadian rhythm of the signal averaged electrocardiogram and its relation to heart rate variability in healthy subjects. Heart 1998;79: 493–6.

In a conclusion, it could be normal that you have different measure in the morning and in the evening. However, RHR could be good cardiovascular risk indicator. At the moment we developing heart risk assessment tool that may be interesting to you. You can find more info about our project here: hrwproject. com And more info about resting heart rate: Heart rate
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Your Heart surpasses roughly 60-80 periods per moment at rest, 100,000 periods a day. The common healthy adult center pushes about 5 liters of blood per moment.
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