Research methods exam done!

Last exam! Wohoo!

Multiple choice exam.. I think it went well, though some of the questions were weirdt. Like one asked for the best measure of central tendency and it gave an intro to a study where they had one group that did endurance training, one that didn't and compared coopers test results before and after. That's all the info we got. There were 4 alternatives, 3 of which were different ways of measuring central tendency. How the hell am I suppose to know what would work the best when I haven't seen the spread in the results? bah.

On another note: anyone interested in sports psychology? I bought my text book for next semester, and it's gonna be tough to get through. ILM suggested I should post some principles here so we can toss them around, you know, to make things a bit more interesting. Anyone up for it? :p
Sports psychology and motivational theories are great for discussing. I think anyone who works out has their own ideas about it, so I think it would be a great learning experience for everybody here :)

I hope a few people are interested in tossing some ideas around!
I will definitely find it interesting to read, but I probably don't have enough experience to hold an argument. Ya'll should do it!
Karky, when you get back from celebrating the end of this term, maybe just post something and we can toss it around and discuss it. I'm sure that once something is on the table, people will come and add their $0.02 :)
Sound like fun, BRING IT, you girly man. :)

NO such thing as overtraining, you scum. drop and give me 1,000.
I've done some sports psy, defintely not my cup of tea.

yeah, I'm afraid it's gonna be boring. But I think it will all depend on the lecturer, I hope she's good.