Research Analysis Essay

So for one of my classes this semester I have to write a 15 page research paper on some sort of cultural text. Cultural text is defined as basically anything that has an impact on our culture (books, movies, celebrities, objects etc.). I plan on doing my essay on something related to nutrition or fitness. Right now the only thing I can think of is an essay on the atkins diet, how it became popular, and what it has meant to society. Does anyone have any ideas on some cultural phenomena or cultural "text" that would be something interesting to right an essay on?
id personally to something related to religion. Or the enourmous growth of fasts food chains, spefically americas influence on other nations.
You could do supersize me, or if you really wanted to dive into culture and something deep like domestic violences effect on culture get the book "once were warriors" by allan duff. I recomend everyone read this or see the movie

Heres a clip from the movie. Its a brutal movie not for the faint hearted. P.s. sorry if this violates any forum rules with violence etc.
There's always the option of tackling aesthetics and society. That way you could start with the general public's view of beauty and the physique. And then work into the emotional impact and influence that celebrity models and what not have had. I'm not sure why he's letting you include celebritys since they aren't text.

First thing to figure out is your thesis.
Hmmm, something that's a little fitness related is the rise of the Metrosexual in the western world. If you look at action heros of modern Hollywood films or male models/celebrities like David Beckham you'll see that they've all started to look like women. They're well groomed, lacking muscle and have body fat so low they probably haven't mustered enough strength to get their **** hard in years

Now if you compare these 'men' to male role models in Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa you'll see that other cultures still look up to masculinity and strength. Our fear of fat and obsession with sensitivity in the west has had this terrible knock-on effect by taking the masculinity away from our men

Hang Morgan Spurlock!!! :pain7:
Couldn't agree more, CCR. At this rate, evolution will make sure men eventually have more estrogen than the good ol' "vitamin T"