Sport requestion restraunt information

Sport Fitness
Hello helllo, was wondering if someone would please post a good couple of sites that keep track of restraunt and fastfood foods and their stats (calories, fat, so on)? Ive seen a few posted but cant seem to find any, there was a really good one that I saw and forgot to save it. Kinda kicking myself for it now.

Thanks alot!
Oh hell I spelled it requestion :(

I need typing lessons.. hah
many fast food places and chain restaurants post their stuff on their websites. look for nutrition information.

otherwise i think there was like, or something like that, but it wasn't a free site.
ahh well, thanks alot guys. I saw someone post a site that had like most of the fast food places and all stats on their foods posted but alas, its gone hehe, oh well. thanks again!
Try this out bro...