Remember to change your caloric intake!

Darth Pooh

New member
I am not a professional by any standards (i.e. not certified) but I've lost enough weight to be able to share with you something most people tend to overlook (especially when posting about plateaus).

When losing weight, most people subscribe to the calories in vs. calories out method because it is extremely effective for weightloss. When doing this, you are constantly dropping off lbs and therefore require less ENERGY to move your body around. It is important for you to recalculate your RMR (or BMR) on a regular basis. I do it every two weeks when I weigh-in / take measurements. This allows me to then adjust my daily caloric intake accordingly. is an explaination of BMR and RMR, I usually take the average between the two values at 1.2 rate. Here is the actual calculator for people who like to plug and chug, , very useful in being able to losing weight. Keep your body in flux with food and workouts seems to be very beneficial for my weightloss. YMMV.


P.S. The reason I really am posting this is because I've seen so many plateau threads recently (my own included) and thought I could share what I've learned from breaking through them. For instance, I like to reduce my maintaince caloric intake by 25% or so, this is a little high but I still feel safe taking in 1725 calories a day. On days I work out (900+ calorie workouts) I will go up to 2000-2200 calories. This still gives me a nice deficit within healthy ranges.
Excellent advice - it is funny, as I was reading your post I was thinking, geez, you get used to sacrifice (for those of us who have a harder time making the lifestyle change) and then, to keep succeeding, you have to keep sacrificing...

Isn't it amazing that all the things in this life that are worth it usually require sacrifice?

Excellent advice - it is funny, as I was reading your post I was thinking, geez, you get used to sacrifice (for those of us who have a harder time making the lifestyle change) and then, to keep succeeding, you have to keep sacrificing...

Isn't it amazing that all the things in this life that are worth it usually require sacrifice?


Hard lesson to learn but it means your all growns ups nows. :D

For me, it means giving up my apple sauce in the morning instead of oatmeal and apple sauce, OR 50 less calories in my cereal at night, or 50 less calories of chicken (bout an ounce less). The 50 less cals I am taking in is so negligible, its worth it! That is 350 calories a week that I can handle for the payout.
What if I don't want to be an adult ;)

hehe j/k - that is a really really good way of looking at it and thank you for pointing out a really excellent and oft neglected point!

*done whining now*