Reduce Muscle Mass?


New member
I've noticed that with my fat I also have a lot of muscle, this is due to rugby and weight training.

However I'd love to have a much thinner physique and at the moment the size of my frame and muscle is also contributing immensely to my size. I'd love to be able to get rid of everything and just have a regular body, I have ideas about losing body fat but is there anything I can do in regards to losing muscle mass?
I've noticed that with my fat I also have a lot of muscle, this is due to rugby and weight training.

However I'd love to have a much thinner physique and at the moment the size of my frame and muscle is also contributing immensely to my size. I'd love to be able to get rid of everything and just have a regular body, I have ideas about losing body fat but is there anything I can do in regards to losing muscle mass?

Reduce your weight training and the ammont of protein you take in a day... You must see how much protein you need a day and then try not too consume much more than that... But once you reduce or even left the weight training for awhile you will start losing muscle...
But you must know that if your muscles reduce, you will burn the fat much slower... Less muscles, less fat consume...
So maybe you should first lose the fat you want to lose and then reduce muscles...

Tomorrow I'll ask about your problem to one of my teachers and then you'll get the perfect answer ;)
Usually, we'd want to gain or maintain muscle mass. I suppose you're a special case. Two ways you can reduce muscle mass:

1) Stop or reduce resistance training so your muscle will atrophy(reduce).
2) Eat less calories.