Weight-Loss red meat



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my diet plan says not to eat read meat?......what wrong with red meat....
cause my husband is making beef jerky and i love it...and i want to have some when its ready....i thought it wouldnt be that bad cause the fat comes right out of it when its in a dehydrator.
beef jerky has lots of sodium...

but red meat can be ok. in moderation and just get lean meat.
beef jerky has lots of sodium...

Commercial Beef Jerkey has lots of sodium.

She said her husband is making beef jerkey. Probably by sticking it in a ronco. Unless he is dumping salt onto it, then it has no more sodium in it than regular beef.

is to much sodium not good?

There are studies done that say that lots of sodium leads to high blood pressure. But again, if your husband is making beef jerkey the "Set it and forget it" way, then you should be fine.
my diet plan says not to eat read meat?......

i thought it wouldnt be that bad cause the fat comes right out of it when its in a dehydrator.

What diet plan are you following if you don't mind me asking?

Ummm for dehydration purposes, meats that are lean are best. Meats that have a higher fat content usually don't do well when it comes to dehydration. Dehydration doesn't neccessarily cause the fat to leave the meat. If anything, it removes excess water, not fats and oils. Just fyi.

no he doesnt add salt to it..all he does is add marinades to it and let it sit...then puts it in the dyhdrator...

As for "marinades," it also depends on what your husband puts into it. I know some people use a mixture of sugar and soy sauce. The latter is high in sodium, but hey... it makes for a killer jerky, no doubt. ha!
