Recovery Drink vs Pro Shake

I'm a little confused....

I know that I need a Pro Shake so I am purchasing ON 100% Whey as it seems popular with all of you and it's reasonable. My question is....

Do I still need a "Recovery" formula? Can I drink the ON Whey after and use that as a "recovery formula" or are they two totally different things?

Sorry...I'm new
A recovery drink is a whey protein mixed with some form of simple carbohydrate (dextrose or maltodextrin) in a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein. ON 100% whey is a great protein but it contains no carbs. Simple carbs help protein be absorbed more readily in a PWO state. Since a whey shake is digested quickly, you need a simple carb that is also digested quickly as opposed to oatmeal (complex carb) which takes a while to digest.
Thanks for the reply.

So I am understanding that I need both then. Whey before, recover after. Can you (or anyone) recommend a good recovery drink then?
Surge by biotest is really good but quite expensive, I just buy ON whey and mix it with about two tablespoons of maltodextrin and fat free like a charm.
yeah, you don't NEED two products at all, and frankly I wouldn't go with a pure whey protein. plenty of research has been done showing that a good whey blended with casein and/or egg protein maintains nitrogen balance/anabolism just as well as pure whey, plus the slower release of the casein over the following 2 hours helps keep you there.

get a good whey or whey+casein blend, and a tub of dextrose or malto-dextrine. Surge is great but its quite expensive.
I second the whey-casein mix. You can usually buy tubs that have both whey and casein in them (that's what I do) and mix them with some carbs.
Thanks all for the help. I feel like I am taking a crash course on "Fitness". I really do appreciate the help and thanks for not making me feel like an idiot ;)
thanks for not making me feel like an idiot ;)

I guess I need to try harder.

just kiddin'

Most people were simply never educate properly on any of this stuff. Doctor's aren't educated on most of this either, but they often dispense information anyways, further complicating the issue.

You just have to take the initiative and start looking at stickies here, and just googling in general, and then sift through the information.
Most of it is not that terribly complex though.
Gee thanks Malkore....:)

I guess I need to try harder.

just kiddin'

Most people were simply never educate properly on any of this stuff. Doctor's aren't educated on most of this either, but they often dispense information anyways, further complicating the issue.

You just have to take the initiative and start looking at stickies here, and just googling in general, and then sift through the information.
Most of it is not that terribly complex though.
Thanks its very informative post for me