Weight-Loss Recommended Source of Powdered Protein?



New member
Hey, so yea I know it's better to get your protein through lean meats like chicken, salmon and soy but I can't afford to buy too many groceries and I also live with my Dad who gets jealous every time I cook because he knows he sucks at cooking and nothing he whips up is very healthy....

So I have no choice but to increase my intake of eggs and peanuts everyday for protein and this powdered stuff called Robb's Egg White Protein... apparently the best testing protein...

However the stuff to me, tastes horrible and I wanted to see if there was a better tasting one. I took a look around Rite Aid yesterday and they had a ton of variety in protein with amino acids...

I was wondering if anyone else uses protein like this and what is your favorite brand? Does it taste bearable?

This isn't spam either btw I am really asking what protein brand should I buy. Especially since I need at least 80g to burn fat.
Protein shakes can be very expensive and usually don't taste all that great. I often buy Mix 1, which tastes great and has 15g of whey protein. It runs about $6.99 for a pack of 4 (not so great price!!). I also like carb solutions vanilla shake mix, but lately it has been hard to find. It has 12 servings and 21g of protein for just around $10.