Sport Recommended intake of...EVERYTHING?

Sport Fitness
I've been lost. Honestly, I'm extremely worried that I am not eating right, and that I've been working out for the past month for absolutely no reason, or rather, no gain.

Here is my scheduel if it matters.

5am - Wake up.
6:10am - Cardiovascular 2.3km - 18mins.
6:40 am - Abs - 2 seperate work outs. Vertical leg raises, and bicycle maneuver.
6:45am - Biceps 4 sets of 20 reps. at 30lbs. (that's all I got for free weights :p )
Triceps 4 sets of 12 reps. at 50lbs.
Pecs 4 sets of 12 reps. at 75lbs.
Upper back 4 sets of 20 reps. at 75lbs.

7:05am -7:35am Free time
7:40am - Eat Cereal.

9pm bedtime.


That's my scheduel. I do this around 6 days a week. With sundays rest.

Can ANYONE recommend the amount of calories, fat, protein, carbs, SUGAR, and other essential thing's that could help me out I should eat of please based on this scheduel? I am especially worried about sugar all the time. A doctor family friend told me I should consume about 15g's of sugar daily for basic bodily functions. I get that amount straight away off of the cereal in the morning.
Whats your whole days diet like? It would help to know that for starters. When and how much protein you take in for sure would be handy. Would it be possible to seperate your cardio and weight routines?

You are potentially lifting wieghts too often as well and with a lot of isolation movements where some combo movements would help with overall gains in size coupled with the cardio taking a lot of your muscle building fuel. Need your full day diet to give much more advice though.
Here; I just made my eating arraignments on another thread;

Breakfast; Cereal, and milk 7:40am ~
Total Calories; 300
Total fat; 2.4g
Total Sugar; 15g
Total Protein; 20g
Total Carbohydrates; 20~g.

Snack 1 ; Peach OR Orange (alternating) 9:40am~
Total Calories; 66(peach), 85 (orange)
Total Fat; 0g
Total Sugar; 14g (peach), 17g (orange)
Carbohydrates; 16g (peach), 21g (orange)
Dietary Fibre; 3g (peach), 4g (orange)
Protein; 2g (peach), 1g (orange)

Snack 2 ; Tomato 3:20pm~
Total Calories; 31
Total Fat; 0g
Total Carbohydrate; 7g.
Dietary Fibre; 2g
Total Sugar; 0g.
Protein; 1g.

Extra Milk; 1 cup values. (Lunch, and snack II)
Total Calories; 91 x2 = 182
Total Fat; .3g x2 = .6g
Total Protein; 9g x2 = 18g
Total Carbohydrate; 10g. x2 = 20g.
Total For breakfast, snack 1 and 2 =

Total Calories; 600~
Total Fat; 3g.~
Total Protein; 39g.~
Total Sugars; 30g~
Total Carbohydrate; 68g~

1g of protein per pound of bodyweight, per day
get 20-25% of your daily calories from fat. I think this is about .4g of fat per pound of bodyweight.

for carbs, it varies greatly. 1g / lb if you're trying to lean out...2-3g per lb. if you're trying to gain mass.

You look like you're starving yourself, and that's why you're not losing any bodyfat.
And how about calories? How do they play a part in anything? Can anyone give me a overall understanding of them?

And all that 1g of protein for pounds, thats ridiculous. I could never eat that much food. 0_o.

Unless of course I plan to buy a protein supplement, however, I doubt I will do that.
Also, can I enjoy something such as a cookie every now and then? Since my fat levels seem to be rather low...
Levels of just about eveything look pretty low really, that can lower your metabolism significantly making it very difficult to drop fat.

To cut weight you basically want to use about 500 more calories a day than you eat that'll cut about a lb a week if memory serves. As someone else here said if your protein levels are higher you will lose less muscle mass while cutting the fat. For muscle gain about .8 - 1 g per lb is the way to go. For general balance they usually say about 50% carbs, 40% protein, 10% fats. There are bad carbs and fats though that you would also want to limit, refined sugars for example are pretty useless so best avoided, trans fats of course are best avoided too. There are very good fats though like that in avocado's olive oil, fish, and flaxseed oil that are heart healthy and good for your cholesterol.

You aren't really supposed to lose more than 2 lbs a week for long term loss they say thats the healthiest way to lose it and keep it off. Look up a calorie calculator online, that'll tell you how many calories you need to maintain your weight then cut back from there. Carbs and fats will produce the most energy so cut bak more on them than proteins which'll help maintain muscle while losing. Oh yeah and drink alot of water, minimum 8 glasses a day.
I know that I should drink lots of water daily, but what if about 3 servings come from milk? And if I take 5 glasses of water? Same thing?
Best to stick with water, plain old water, no problem if you want to drink a few glasses of milk but drink 8 glasses MINIMUM of water a day. It takes a little getting used to but once you do you'll feel like a million bucks not to mention it is filling to drink that much so you'll be less hungry than before.

I manage to get in 4-6 32 oz glasses a day plus the odd soda and 1 or 2 protein shakes, that might be overkill but it makes me feel better for sure.
milk is 90% water, which is probably fine in that amount for cutting or bulking but it is all realitive, anywho your diet is about as nice as the dreadful clutches of a blightfull mess from sunless side of the steer. well read this, It should have some helpfull info.
template for loosing fat (cutting)
by average I mean you just want to effectively loose fat, without becoming extreme about it. I will try and outline the basics for you, and later on you should make adjustments / additions that will best fit your needs.
all that will be discussed is for optimal fat loss

DIET : -40% protein 40% carbs 20%fat this is a basic layout. "what kind of protein?" well you should eat: chicken,tuna,eggs,fish,beef are all acceptable basically avoid things like fast food meats and other stuff that's just common since. "what about carbs?" mainly oats, whole grains, starchy vegetables, and fruits mainly the ones with the word (berries) in them. "and fat?" most of your fat intake should be from vegetable oils, seeds and nuts. if you don't like those foods there are some alternatives. -"how many calories?" around 200-300 or 20-30% less than your maintenance level, "how do I know what my maintenance level is?" one way to figure it out is to keep a calorie intake journal for 5-7 days. If your weight stays constant, then you simply divide the total calories consumed by the number of days and you’ll get your daily intake. -liquids: 1-2 gallons/4-8 Liters of water a day is the basic amount you want. you should eat 6 meals a day spaced out 2-3 houres. foods you will want to say away from are: soda, mayo, chips, french fries, ice cream, most salad dressings & oils(except olive oil), cheese. if you can't live without them then go for non-fat and low sugar type things. use some common sence and don't try to make drastic changes all in a day, it should be a gradual process. once you get to the weight you like then you can raise your calorie intake up to maintenance.

SUPPLEMENTS: (first tier supps) for fat loss is a multivitamin and some EFA's (essential fatty acids). (second tier supps) protein powders like casein (used before bed) would be the one of choice for fat loss, whey (after workout) is also benifital. thermogenic fat burners or stimulant-free fat burners are usefull in loosing weight, follow the direction on thoes products which is very important. they will add an extra boost to your goals (san tight is a good stimulant-free product). I would not bother with anything else like carb blockers, fat blockers, appetite suppressants, and other fat loss products you will see everywhere, with maby the exception of thyroid hormone increasers but usally there is no need for them.

WORKOUT PROGRAMS: almost any program will work. the only thing you will want to add is less rest between exercises and sets, but don't hurt yourself.
alot of these exercises have dumbbell-counterparts.
Chest: Parallel bar dips, Bench Press, Incline Press
Legs:Squats (including front squats), tiff-Legged deadlifts, Calf-raises
Back:Bent-over rows, Chins Bent-legged, Deadlifts (also a leg exercise)
Delts:Military press, Lateral raises
Arms:Close-grip bench, press Close-grip chins
you can find fully detailed workouts.

CARDIO: there are two main types of cardio you should use, first is called slow cardio and the second is called HIIT (high intensity interval training). you should use them in a ratio of 3-1 (IE 3 days of slow and 1 day of HIIT). For best results do cardio 4 times a week for an houre, too much is somtimes counterproductive and too little is well too little. "what is slow cardio?" slow cardio is doing any activity (running, biking, swimming, boxing, etc) with about 75-85% of your max heart rate for an houre. "how do I know what my max heart rate is?" well when you do an activity where you are still able to talk without being extremely out of breath, or another easy way is take 220 and minus your age then take that number and multiply it by .75-.85 which will give you rough percentages of 75-85% of your max heart rate or (HR), of course this is not entirly accurate, cause everyone is different. "ok what is HIIT then?" HIIT works like this first you warm up doing whatever for 5 min then take some time and stretch. after your all ready, start a moderate pace for 1 minute then you move your pace up to 90-95% of you max HR for the next 15-30 seconds, then go back down to your moderate pace for 1 min, then back up to 90-95% and back down agen. you get the idea (moderate for 1 min, then 90-95% for 15-30 sec) do this around 15-20 times and your done.

WILLPOWER: alot of people try to make changes too fast and end up quiting, so don't over do it, this means to slowly change your diet and work your way up to the suggested cardio regimen. if you don't workout already and don't want to that is ok, working out is not required for loosing weight but it will help the main parts are your diet and cardio. by phaledax
The last post, excellent, I am far too L-A-Z-Y to type that long, that kind of advice usually would cost $'s, full of good advice.

One other thing, take some pics before and then after a few weeks, the changes can be so subtle day to day you wouldn't notice (since you see yourself every day) but with photos from the same angle and distance you can see after 4-6 weeks the changes. Helps to keep you from being discouraged for sure.
BTW Nobody, what are your goals in your workout program, fat loss, muscle gain, overall well being? Or anything else, they are not always mutually exclusive or inclusive and sometime a plan that works for one can damage another.
well first, I would like to know basic stats about you, height\weight in paticular. Second, it may be worth considering to eat before you work out, just saying that because cereal which you mentioned earlier will have the carbs you need for energy.

Another thing I would like to point out is what your eating, now I see that this is just breakfast and snacks, do you eat all of these in a single day, or is this two or three meals so you have options?

That's all I would eat without DINNER or Lunch. Is it any good? The extremely low fat result will allow me to eat almost ANYTHING at lunch and dinner without worrying too much about how much fat I take in.

Okay, you really need to work out more than just the breakfast. Now do you usualy cook the meals at you household? If you do then you should really try to plan lunch and dinner as well.

And the last thing, it seems you have failed to state what your goals are, unless I have missed something. What are your goal? Are you trying to loose weight, body build, or something else?
Oh, sorry guys.

I am 16. 5'7", and 120lbs.

I don't really want weight lose, but I want FAT loss near my stomach. I am also working out to tone the little muscles that I have. I don't really want to have big muscles and "look" tuff, I want to have small or average muscles and have them be very powerful.

Also, I am eating 6 meals a day. Since I am 16, and I have my mommy make all my food ( :p ), I don't really know how to cook, or whats all "healthy". I am just going by food labels, and when my mother makes something for dinner, I just eat it, regardless of what it is. I figure that all my levels were pretty average during the entire day that I have opportunity to eat anything she makes. Im going to be late for school, I'll write more later.
5'7", and 120, thats pretty good if your looking to get thin, your already there. Just stay on a regular diet. I think you have breakfast down pretty well, cereal and piece of fruit. Then whatever your mom makes for lunch\dinner you eat.

As for having muscles that are strong but not big, that is kind of hard to do. But it can be achieved with weight lifting, I'm reluctant to say what I would do in your position, but I'm 5'8" and 125 and I'm trying to get bigger. Basicly what I have gathered is that for the best heavy lifting\small muscle size, resistance training is what your after. Basicly light weight a lot of reps. I would wait for someone a little more experienced than I to help you, but this is how I understand it.
don't worry about getting arnold big that takes a lifetime to do. for powerfull muscles you want high weight, very low reps and high sets look at powerlifters. if you do what Virus said low weight, high reps and low to med sets your will build more muscular endurance not at all a bad thing. you should take a look at muscle fibers do a little research, which can help your decide what training to take up. GL