Cohen's Lifestyle Recipes?

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle


New member
Hi everyone,

I guess i'm pretty new to cohens but reading over this forum has been a great help, i'm only in my 5th day of cohens and its been pretty tough but getting easier by the day. I was wondering if anyone has any great tested recipes to try out. I have started a blog that tracks my diary every day of foods i eat and the recipes to create them aswell... most of the time i have included pictures aswell. If you post some recipes below that interest me I will make them with photos and post on my blog (with credit ofcourse) Please follow me on here if you are interested in recipes...



I started Monday 13th Feb 2012, still coming to terms with the menu. i'm looking for a sample of a week's food menu , this is to get ideas and adapt for my particular needs. Let me know if you comer across one.

