Reccomended Protein Dosage for a Strength/Cardio Trainer

Okay, I'm trying to put together a fitness plan that involves strength training and cardio. More then likely this will consist of strength training followed immediately by cardio.
What would be the recommended whey protein dosages pre and post-workout?
Body weight < 200 lbs = 30g
Body weight > 200 lbs = 45g

Don't forget to add simple carb at a 2:1 glucose/dextrose:protein ratio. So, altogether:

Body weight < 200 lbs = 30g protein, 45-60g sugar
Body weight > 200 lbs = 45g, 68-90g sugar

In 16 oz of cold water is easiest to drink, I find.
Protein Dosage

Usually the rule of thumb is 1 gram for every pound of body weight. For gaining weight 1.5 grams for every pound of body weight. That is per day.
I supplement a 20 gram whey protein shake right before a workout and 40 gram whey shake after along with creatine. Through out the day I make it a point to consume at least 275grams of protein mostly through meat and beans. You should always check with a certified nutritionist to see what is right for you and that is coincides with your goals.
Usually the rule of thumb is 1 gram for every pound of body weight. For gaining weight 1.5 grams for every pound of body weight. That is per day.
I supplement a 20 gram whey protein shake right before a workout and 40 gram whey shake after along with creatine. Through out the day I make it a point to consume at least 275grams of protein mostly through meat and beans. You should always check with a certified nutritionist to see what is right for you and that is coincides with your goals.

I don't think everyone has the means to check with a certified nutritionist to see their needs.

My thoughts: If your sweat doesn't smell like ammonia, and you're feeling good (AND you're reaching your goals), then you're probably taking in adequate protein.

But I agree with the 1 - 1.5g/lb rule :)