So I have sat on my butt for the past 6ish years and am now seriously feeling the consequences. I'm at the point where a flight of stairs leaves me slightly winded for a short period of time. My calves are like jelly. I've packed on fat in my stomach/thighs/face mostly. I'm 6'1" and weigh 200 lbs. When I was in great shape I weiged about 170. I was always more of a runner and had sort of a kevin dhurant build. Weaker arms strong core and legs. So here's where I stand today. I can do a set of 10 normal pushups....and about 45 sit ups in a set. I'm unemployed and have some time to really work on my body so I'm looking for help both diet wise and workout wise. Any information on going from being so weak and pathetic to back in shape? Any diet recommendations? I really need help so any advice is thouroughly appreciated. Thanks for your time!