really confused can some one help


New member
OK so ive been reading more stuff on this site about how much i should be eating but i carnt work it out, im maths dyslexic numbers make no sense to me so can some one help me out?

let me know if you need to no more details

i am 21 years old
i weight about 190 pounds
height is 5 foot 7
i want to get down to around 140 im not sure though becuase i dont know how 140 will look? but thats an aim i can sort it from there

about my diet well im vegan! so no meal fish or animal products. i really really dont like nuts i dont think im allergic but they give me dry throuat so may be i am a bit. i dont use cooking oil becuase im scared of bioling oil weird but good. so i only grill or oven cook food, or boil. i dont drink anything appart form the occasional glass of wine or cider, soya milk with no sugar and lots of water.

with meds wqell im on a lot! asthma inhalers, allergy tablets, anti histamines, vegan omega three tablets and a general multivitamin (that i stop taking when i get back to the uk cos i can cook fro myself there and balance my food better) at the moment im on anti inflammatorys for my ribs and painkillers if its grim.

what should i be eating? and how much. remember that im maths dyslexic so calory counting makes no sense to me plus i dotn want to get into the pattern of obsessing over my food. also when reading people talk about balancing your food, like with carbs and protein and other stuff. ashould this be the same for me? cos i carnt get 40 percent protein!! thats very expensive and difficult to do which is why i take protein suppliments sometimes if i dont get protein that day. also many people say carbs are bad, i thoguht they were good? my meals are based around carbs and veggies, a typical meal back home in the uk is potato / brown rice/ wholemeal bread with lots of veggies and maybe some quorn. i thought i was eating well but the more i read the more it says my food is not balanced?

some one shed some light.
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oh i should add also i mostly cook for myself. even thoguh i live with my mum she will cook me something different or eat vegan food with me :) but thats only dinner. for the rest of the day i prepare all my food myself and ofen for dinner i will cook also. so i dont have to worry about having to eat with other peoples bad choices...
First off, are you male or female? that has just as much to do with your calorie needs as your height/weight/age etc.

Secondly, what do you mean by "maths dyslexic"? Ive never heard of that, and am unsure if it is just your way of saying you arent so good at math, or if it is some real condition that you need to work around. Please explain what you mean.
oh im female!! forgot that one!!

and yes there is such think as maths dyslexia, i cannot prenounce or remember or spell the word though (all words to do with dyslexia dont really help) here it is Dyscalculia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

theres no way of working roundf it, ive been tryin!! im as good as it gets now but sadlt thats not very good! so numbers make no sense too me. :doh:
there are a ton of online food journals that you can enter what you ate, and it will do all the calculating for you - so don't let your math disorder put you off calorie counting..
oh im female!! forgot that one!!

theres no way of working roundf it, ive been tryin!! im as good as it gets now but sadlt thats not very good! so numbers make no sense too me. :doh:

Quick question, If a number such as 57 is written out such as fifty-seven. Does that make it understandable to you?
i am ok with numbers like that! the only thing wiht number recognition is when a long number is written like 14930596 and someone asks me how much is that i cant say it properly? like for 3 numbers sometimes i say 5-90 instead of 590 as one. its not so bad but my main problems are jus adding up numbers and keeping a note of it. im worst with take away and times i cant do it!! i failed gxse maths 5 times, i coundlt do any of it, especially wen they use letters indtead of numbers that fries my brain, plus tables and charts i carnt read them :(

it sucks but it hasnt stopped me form doing my music degree! people told me i would screw up cos of the maths thing when it came to working with sound waves and frequencys as its quite mathematical, i just spent a year learning what the shapes on the screen sounded like and what the shape went like when i pressed a certian button etc. so if im in the studio many people work something out with maths but i can work it out by sound instead :)

but yeah back on topic how many calorys a day should i be eating?i would count them but A. when i get back to the uk i have no internet so carnt do it online B. the maths thing C. i dont have scales and would be crap at using them if i did! im quite good at knowing what a good portion is now, i do this from lookng at pics online from recepies and stuff where they tell u what a portion is and how many calorys it is. and most of the food i eat either has teh calorys on the box so i can tell if its bad or is fruit and veg which is good for ya anyways.

but how much should i be eating in order to loose weight? im walking/jogging 5 times a week for an hour plus every week.
You can lose weight without doing too much math. You should educate yourself a little bit about the numbers, but it sounds like you've done that already.
Watch your portion sizes.
Eat ~ fruit, veggies, whole grains, protein (fish, low fat cheese, lean meats)
Try to keep your fiber up. Drink lots of water. Exercise 30 minutes each day.
Don't eat ~ starchy, white foods (mashed potatoes, pasta...)
And throw away the cheesecake!

It's a simple, easy plan. Actually doing it is the hard part. :)
the actualy foods i eat are very good, im vegan so i dont eat chocolate cake ice cream, dont eat fish or meat, sont have any dairy products etc. i went along with this for a while and obviously deep down thought cos these foods i eat are good foods i cant eat too much, but im fat so obviously too much of a good thing is bad> the thing i need to know is, when people start thinking about how many calorys they shoulsd take in vs. how much excercise they should do which will equall in a slow steady healthy weight loss. i thought this wold be a strait answer but as i read more i see it depends on many different things like how big u are what u eat how many meals u eat etc. some people on here on plans say their aim is around 3000 colorys a day!!! thats LOTS of food but the bigger you are the more you eat so 3000 is cutting back for some people.

i jus wanna know how many calrys i should be eating roughtly a day in order for me too looose weight. im around 190lbs and wanna loose about 2 lbs a week i go walkign jogging 4-5 times a week for about an hour i dont have a car so everything i do is on foot. what shud be my deficity? :confused: damn you maths dysleixa i carnt even explain numbers properly :doh:
quote:- "A fast and easy method to determine calorie needs is to use total current body weight times a multiplier.
Fat loss = 12 - 13 calories per lb. of bodyweight
Maintenance (TDEE) = 15 - 16 calories per lb. of bodyweight
Weight gain: = 18 - 19 calories per lb. of bodyweight" ( - tom venuto)
so if ive done it right
190 x 12 = 2280 calories
190 x 13 = 2470 calories
obviously as you lose you need to recalculate.
there are other ways of calculating calories requirements, do an online search, many websites can do the math as long as you input a few stats.
im no expert but i hope this helps. slim
:O 2500 calorys is SO MUCH!!! woah i didnt know i ate that much in a day let alone could eat that much and loose weight with it !! bloody hell. im curious to know wha the hell is in my food that puts me over that, i dont eat sweets or junk food, ?? weird. thanks for doin that anyways! its stunned me. i thought it would be waaay low. but it makes sense cos on another thread i think someone is about 400lb and they have to eat 4000plus a day and still loose :eek:

when i get back to the uk ill try and work out how many calorys i take in with each thing for a week maybe that will stop me being so confused i seem to think fruit and veg isnt calorys.
This is kind of a unique situation, if I am understanding your disability properly (which I am confident I am after a little research). Basically, there are a few routes I can think of for you to get to success.

First one would be the easiest method for you, but would require you to rely on another individual. Depending on your circumstances, it may not be feasible. Basically, we can use some formulas to get a general idea of about how many calories you should eat to lose weight. Give you a little plan of action, that you would relay to someone you trust who could help you by doing your measurements and counting for you. Like I said already, this may not be feasible depending on your living arrangements and such.

The other option would be for people on this board to get together and try to put together some meal plans for you to take back with you. It would be a decent amount of work, but those with some spare time might be able to give you an example of what to eat in one day to get the amount of calories you need. Get together a few of these examples, and you have a good idea of what to eat.

Personally, I would forget the science and play this game on a common sense trial and error process. This may be your best bet, but will require some mental resolve on your part. It might take some time to get things down right, and to get where you want to be, but it would leave you completely self-reliant on this topic. Basically, weigh yourself. Keep track of everything you eat for two weeks. If measurements are difficult for you (for example keeping track of 2 cups, 56 grams, 540 milli-liters, etc), then use another method for keeping track of portion size. Heck, take pictures of your meals if you have to. If at the end of that two weeks, your weight has not gone down, then you know what you have eaten over the course of that time was too much. You can then go back, look at what you have recorded, and reduce it a little bit. Cut out a couple of small things, record for another two weeks, and check your weight again. If after two weeks you have lost weight, but are finding yourself hungry too much (note a difference between hunger and food specific cravings), then you can increase your food a little bit, weigh again in two more weeks, and see if the number is still going down on the scale. If you have a decent knowledge of how to choose good foods, get in a decent amount of exercise, and are reasonable about the changes on the scale (for example dont expect a big drop right away, a small drop is a good drop and means you are probably on target) this trial and error approach should work fine. It might take a little longer, and might be frustrating at times while going back and forth trying to figure out the right amount, but it will require the least amount of reliance on other people.

Lastly, and this is probably about the only circumstance where I would recommend this, might be to try a weight loss program like weight watchers (not sure if that is available in the UK or not). It isnt any complex math, just basic counting points (for example, you are allowed to eat 15 points in a day, so as you eat, count the points and when you get to 15, dont eat anymore.).

If your financial circumstances allow for it, maybe you could also seek a nutritionist/dietician who could help you achieve your goals and work around your unique situation. They might be able to guide you along on a more personal level, getting to know you, and helping you keep track. Assuming you found a good one, this is probably your best bet.
wikkid reply thanks for taking the time to write that! i have had an idea, i think i will take a pictures of what im eating. yes i do get really confused about keeping track of food weight and stuff, if you say "drink 4 oz of water a day" that means nothing to me. but if you say "drink a pint or half pint of water every hour" that is OK becuase i know what a pint glass is, but not 4oz? if that makes sense. so im gonna try this: take a picture of the food, if i can, then write afterwards how much i think it was not weight but was it healthy, was it filling was it too much where did it go wrong. after a while this will be repetition and perfection as im vegan and my choices are limited mainly due to cash situation. pretty much every lunch time i have a salad so once i learn how to improve the salad (drop the dressings!!!) i will be better at that.

the main problem with being vegan is that were not supposed to be fat!! and any food you buy, rarely is the nutritional infomarin with your food becuase there is no packed vagan food in the uk, everything is fresh which is good but i dont think i have any concept of how much is too much fruit or veg. or how many calorys it adds. i used to think fruit and veg didnt have calorys? obviously not cos im190lbs!!! ive never meta vegan with a bit of fat on them, but ive only been proper vegan for 6 weeks, veggie for 15 years. so im still working off the chocolate and cheese :) but i wreckon ive lost about 10lb doing that. im got a doctors check up in a few weeks so she can weight me again and she will tell me if i have. plus ive been in asia for the last six weeks and recently got motivated to start ecercising!! although not in the last week cos a chest infection. so the main plan is to carry on excercise when i get back to london, which will be hard becase my asthma is severe in london. cest la vie :)

i thought about weight watchers but a. i dont have the cash and b. im not too sure how much help they could give me regarding my couplete shit use of maths ( my freind does weight watcers and says she has to count her portions to work out the points) and fussy eating habits. when i say to some people i wanna loose weight, thy usually say "cut back on red meat, calm down on the sweets and dairy" then get a shock when i tell them i dont eat that stuff, :rotflmao:

if i can get a job for rest of summer (highly unlikley) i wanna buy some scales and a measuring tape to keep an eye on it more. but for now i think ill just get used to being cautions around my food and not pigging out. ill let you know how it goes in the next few weeks but i dont have internet back in london and im at the airport now so i may not be abkle to log on for some time. but thanks everyone for your support!!