really confused about my weight loss program


New member
hi guys, i am new to this forum and since september 2010 i decided that i really needed to lose weight, i weighted 108kg and im 1.70m, 16 years old. since then i have lost about 16kg but i still have a bit to go. now i weight 92kg and i have decided to lose the last pounds as fast and healthy as possible. the problem is that i have seen other fat people but my belly is kind of hangy if you know what i mean, maybe it's because i have been fat since i was small and also my hips and legs are fat. my plan, which i have been following since 2-3 weeks is:

Monday: gym, 1 hour of cardio and just work on shoulders, abs and biceps
tuesday: i play basketball with my team for 1 and half hour
wednesday: gym, 1 hour of cardio, shoulders, biceps, legs and triceps.
thursday: basketball training for 1 and half hour
friday: rest
saturday: basketball game for about 1 hour
sunday: i play football for one hour and half with my friends, like real football not just shooting and stuff.

at the gym, i do the epillitical machine for cardio.

i eat pretty healthy and when i go to school i never eat something which fulls me, i eat like an apple or two.
what do you guys think? is it good? will it lead me to lose fat?
i have to admit that under the fat i have muscles because my entire family does and my brother is skinny but still weights like 10 kgs less than me because of his muscles so i think the same goes for me? i am really confused:/

First of all you are way over training.

If your diet was on point you could exercise 45 minutes 3 x week and still burn fat.

Share with me what your diet looks like on n weight lifting day and a non weight lifting day.

I doubt you are eating healthy, what most people "think" is healthy is a far cry from what really is healthy.
yeah that might be true but i know that even if im not eating too healthy, im eating healthier than before. i normally eat 2 egg whites and a banana for breakfast, 2 apples between breakfast and lunch, for lunch i eat brown rice with black beans or a salad with chicken and broccoli and my dinner varies, i normally eat either fish or meat but i also eat pasta sometimes, all always in small portions. i eat this both in weight lifting days and non, is it bad? do you maybe know some other food i could eat? or like some diets i could follow? thanks a lot for your help!
Can you tell us more about the things you eat on a daily basis?
I agree with Wet Wolf that some foods are very deceptive and may look, sound or even advertise to be healthy, but in fact are loaded with sugars.
I've seen some brands put a large signs on their packaging like "only 1% fat!", then you look at the ingredients and it's packed with sugar and other crap :s
In my opinion, sugar is worse than fats, cause some fats are actually very healthy, only saturated fat is bad.
well i can try:D

okay so


2 egg whites, from bio eggs
1 medium banana

mid-morning snack:

1 or 2 apples (because i have two breaks at school)
water or tea as in nestea


brown rice (long grain) about 100g
brown or black beans (about 30-40g)

mid-day snack (normally after gym or before basketball because my trainings start pretty late)

fruit (banana, apple or orange)


meat (not red meat) about 100g
or fish (100g)
salad (about 70 g) with mais (corns) 50g

now i have been overweight for a long period of time and i assume that it is because of the enourmous amount of carbohydrates i used to eat when small since i'm italian, it was kind of like pasta for lunch (everyday:/) and pizza for dinner (sometimes). i hope i have given enough information and i would really appreciate comments if you think what i eat it's not good:)
That sounds pretty good and healthy actually.
Though I'm concerned you may not be eating enough.
Perhaps you should keep a food diary in combination with counting calories?
First, start reading up on these topics, as it'll give more understanding about calorie-counting, starvation, rmr, bmr, etc:
The stickied topics in the "On Topic" section are really good reads imo.
You can also use a calculator if you have trouble calculating bmr yourself, I found this one very helpful:
Recommended Daily Calorie Intake Calculator for Adult males, females & Children & Pregnant Women -

Good luck! :)
thank you, i will obviously take a look and try understand those topics and then calculate how much food i need but i am scared of the same thing too since im only a teenager and sometimes i feel like fainting, for example when i wake up and just stand on my feet directly without taking a pause or something, i am kind of scared about it:/
yeah that might be true but i know that even if im not eating too healthy, im eating healthier than before. i normally eat 2 egg whites and a banana for breakfast, 2 apples between breakfast and lunch, for lunch i eat brown rice with black beans or a salad with chicken and broccoli and my dinner varies, i normally eat either fish or meat but i also eat pasta sometimes, all always in small portions. i eat this both in weight lifting days and non, is it bad? do you maybe know some other food i could eat? or like some diets i could follow? thanks a lot for your help!

I would suggest removing the banannas and onlu eat 1 apple.

Brwn rice and Black beans are excellent but I would add more leafy, multi colored salads( red/yellow bell pepper, sweet onion, spring mix, roma tomato) + 1 table sp olive oil.
yeahh i have thought about that as well, i completely removed bananas becuase of they are really high in calories and im only eating one apple even though i have this problem that i can't bring rice and beans at school so what i do is just eat a sandwich (basic one: cheese and ham) and then an apple since i have two break). i did the calculations and to lose 4 pounds a week (which i have been losing for the past 2-3 weeks) i need to eat 1566 calories, can that be possible?
bananas are not really high in cals, they're 100 cals which is worth the benefit of potassium if you ask me....
bananas.... are ... good... for... you.....
Silly rabbit, bananas are for kids, AND rabbits! and monsters!
and Ice cream (but only when split in half)
that is true korrie but its also hard to keep on eating the same thing over and over every morning so i kind of decided to make a change to my diet but nobody has given their thought about the sandwich yet?
well I understand that. I don't know what to say about your sandwich. Ham and cheese. I mean, its not great for you. But you have to eat something. i think if one ham and cheese sand. is the worst thing your eating all day, your good to go.
that is true korrie but its also hard to keep on eating the same thing over and over every morning so i kind of decided to make a change to my diet but nobody has given their thought about the sandwich yet?
I think about sandwiches all the time! But really... turkey usually has less calories, and is really filling too. (so you can eat more)
Low fat ham, and even most ham lunch meat is actually pretty low in fat.... really...... it's almost always better than any sort of roast beef.
Think about replacing the cheese with lettuce and tomatoes or cucumbers or whatever, if you're still concerned.
One banana fills me up for about 3 -4 hours.

4 apples leave me hungry and looking for more food. And give me an upset stomach.

I know which one I'll go for....:)
yea, maybe but everyones different. I can eat apples no prob....i can have bananas too, but i can't say they fill me up at all?
I'm just saying 'Don't eat bananas' is nonsense. Leave people to decide for themselves. If a banana fills them up, good. If it doesn't, they can try something else and see if that works better.

I just don't like it when somebody says stuff like 'Don't eat bananas, they are bad for you'.