Real bike vs Exercise bike

I am wanting to get a bike to do some cardio, i am kind of lazy so i want to be able to do it in front of the tv so i can watch a movie and do the cardio for a hour in a half. i was going to get a exercise bike but then i thought about it and is there a difference if i would get a real bike and one of those things that keep it from moving. the only difference i could think of was, with the Exercise bike i could monitor heart rate, calories burned and increase intensity but with the real bike i could take it out side if i wanted to ride outside. any thoughts on this topic, either which to pick or other pros and cons.
I think the pros far outweigh the cons for the road bike. You can get a trainer and still 'spin' with the road bike inside on bad weather days and you get much better fitness OUT on the road. Plus its way less boring.
Deffo get a real bike.
Training on an exercise bike can get really dull, and if your watching TV you wont be putting enough effort in to your training. On a real bike you'll not only be getting fitter, you'll be improving your balence and reaction times.

As for weather, apart from snow and very strong wind there is not much you cant ride in. I like riding in the rain. You get sweaty when you exercise anyway and have a shower when you get home. Plus, riding thru the wind and the rain makes you feel like a real man! Grrr...