Forgive me if this has been discussed before - I did some searching but was not sure of what words to look for. Here is the question that I have: If I am working out to build muscle, particualrly in my upper body, how important is protein intake on a daily basis? For example, since I have a very busy lifestyle, I am only able to get into the gym 2-3 times per week. With this being the case, how important is it for me to consume protein on the 4-5 days / week where I am not working out?
Normally when I do a workout, I do it in the morning after having breakfast, and I will make myself a protein drink, and this seems to work pretty well. I weigh about 155 lbs, and I shoot for 150+ grams of protein on the days where I work out, but I don't get anywhere near that much on days when I do not work out. I know this is a pretty basic and perhaps even a stuipd question, but if I could get some input about this, that'd be awesome. Thanks!
Normally when I do a workout, I do it in the morning after having breakfast, and I will make myself a protein drink, and this seems to work pretty well. I weigh about 155 lbs, and I shoot for 150+ grams of protein on the days where I work out, but I don't get anywhere near that much on days when I do not work out. I know this is a pretty basic and perhaps even a stuipd question, but if I could get some input about this, that'd be awesome. Thanks!