Sport Real Basic workout / protein question

Sport Fitness
Forgive me if this has been discussed before - I did some searching but was not sure of what words to look for. Here is the question that I have: If I am working out to build muscle, particualrly in my upper body, how important is protein intake on a daily basis? For example, since I have a very busy lifestyle, I am only able to get into the gym 2-3 times per week. With this being the case, how important is it for me to consume protein on the 4-5 days / week where I am not working out?

Normally when I do a workout, I do it in the morning after having breakfast, and I will make myself a protein drink, and this seems to work pretty well. I weigh about 155 lbs, and I shoot for 150+ grams of protein on the days where I work out, but I don't get anywhere near that much on days when I do not work out. I know this is a pretty basic and perhaps even a stuipd question, but if I could get some input about this, that'd be awesome. Thanks!


here's the deal: its the night following your workout, when you're asleep, that you're repairing all the damaged muscle tissue from your workout.
Thus, EVERYDAY it's important to get that 150g of protein. YOu need ot stay in a positive nitrogen balance, maintaining an anabolic state int he muscles so they repair properly and quickly.
And since you are trying to bulk up, it's important to keep your calories above your maintenance level so you have the surplus for adding thickness to the muscles
to add

The word protein is derived from the Greek word "Proteios,"which literally means "of prime importance." Much of what we see when we look in the mirror is protein — our skin, hair, fingernails and muscles, for instance.

Enzymes, hormones and antibodies, all critical to the function of the body, are types of proteins. Enzymes facilitate various chemical reactions in the body (e.g. breaking down food during digestion). Hormones such as insulin and thyroid regulate the body in many ways. (NOTE: Not all hormones are proteins - estrogen and testosterone, for example, are sterols). Antibodies, which are proteins, make up a critical part of the body's immune system.
Sweet, thanks for the replies. That is very interesting about the greek word "proteios" and all. I was doing some reading about protein today and read about how protein can help keep your immune system healthy, etc. etc., so it sounds like getting that 150+ grams / day is probably a nice idea. Thanks again for the replies :D