I am 17 years old, around 5'8, and 174 pounds as well as a wrestler and football player. In the past year and a half, I have lost around 40 pounds. I have always been adept at gaining muscle, and have a great amount, my arms are huge, but they lack definition. My body fat is around 15% now, I diet, do cardio daily, and lift 5-6 days a week. My diet is mainly steamed vegetables, chicken/fish, and some protein shake. The problem is, I have what seems to be extra skin, seeing as in the past year I went from 25% to 15%. My pectorals are in one area, despite having a large amount of chest muscle. Basically my problem is, I am not trying to get ripped, and I am not trying to go to any extremes, I just want a body I am 100% comfortable with, I want my arms to be more toned at all times, and to just tighten everything up. Please suggestions.