read if u take testostrone

i was reading this article and it said too much testostrone is bad for u cause some of it turns into estrogen (which women have), this results in increase in fat, decrease in muscle mass even strenght, development in man boobs and dont forget u will be come more emotional and sensitive.

so i say why take if it has such severe side effects?
side effects from steroids can usually be managed. but you have to know SO MUCH about steroids that most people just wouldn't get any benefit from it, and likely get more negatives than positives in the long run.
well , id HOPE anyone on gear right now, would know the side effects :) but thats why steroids get a bad rep, cause of ppl not knowing what their doing.
but thanks for the heads up! :)
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I've never heard of T turning into E, but I know with the flood of T, synthetic or not, your body's natural T producers (the testicles) shut down and once you cycle off, you need to use anti-estrogens and other PCT drugs to kick start your nuts else the the overload of E will start to give permanent feminine effects (gynomastia).
Yes testosterone will turn into estrogen via the aromatase enzyme. There are many different ways to prevent this. Like cynic said, one of the biggest sides is trying to return your nuts from their raisin like state.. lol
gunit said:
i was reading this article and it said too much testostrone is bad for u cause some of it turns into estrogen (which women have), this results in increase in fat, decrease in muscle mass even strenght, development in man boobs and dont forget u will be come more emotional and sensitive.

so i say why take if it has such severe side effects?
All depends on what ester of test you are taking. If you are taking one that has a high aromatase rate, the conversion to estrogen can be combated with certain approaches.