
On Monday 6th November 2006 I will turn eighteen.
Last year, on my birthday, I made a promise to kick my eating disorder's butt. Ironically, it kicked mine. HARD. One year of lost time. Thats a lot to live with!
However, a lifetime of loss is something, THANKGOD, I will not have to live with. For one month in the summer I trained hard on the track and in the gym - it was amazing. I ate so well than I did not have to face my disorder that entire month. But I had to go back to school in August, and so that plan was unfortunately cut short. I see I make excuses a lot. I have to take responsibility for my actions - yesterday, today and tomorrow.
For example, if I b/p and do not sleep well one night, I can't just say "Oh! tomorrow will be a much better day," because in all honesty it will not. The time I use to type this very paragraph is an action which will have some sort of consequence.
Anyhow, down to business...I have goals! And finally I think I have reached the point in my life, after a LOT of lows, to COMMIT - not for now, but for a lifetime of positivity!
(1) To eat a nutritious, high protein breakfast; fruit/skim milk for lunch; vegetable salad for dinner. 8+ glasses of water for the rest of the day. Avoid sugar, chocolates, cakes, cookies, white bread, cheese, icecream, coffee, whole-fat milk, fried chicken, roti.
(2) Workout (What is your choice - mix around - cardio, strength training, plyometrics) for two hours/ six days a week.
(3) Meet your study goals in school, at home and on the weekends.
(4) Limit your internet time to an hour on Sundays. Limit tv time to one-two shows a week.
(5) Pray 5 times a day/Read the Quran with translation, explanation/Make constant dua and istaghfar/Fast Mon,Thurs,Mon,Thurs every month/Develop Taqwa/Gain more knowledge in free time.
(6) Read the newspaper daily.
(7) Sleep every night with the peace of knowing you did not lie, cheat or do anything wrong that night, without repenting for it.

These are the goals until my nineteenth birthday...InshAllah I shall focus with all my might and discipline...wanting it more than ever...