Sport Raw Oats

Sport Fitness
I just started adding oats to my protein shakes and want to know if raw oats digest well or not and if anyone else here is doing this???

FWIW i think they make shakes taste great and are an easy way to add extra carbs, calories and fiber to my diet.

The shake i had today was
whey powder (vanilla cuz i bought the wrong
1/2 cup of large flake oats
1/4 cup frozen blueberries

It tasted good and i ended up eating a hard boiled egg and a banana with it cuz it didnt leave me feeling too full like i thought it would.
Dosen't it make the shake all gritty?
i take my oats and pulse them while they are dry in my blender until they are a powder a little rougher than flour. If i am in a rush during breakfast, i add them to my protein shake. I also add them in my pre workout shake.
I was being kinda sarcastic:)