Sport raw meat diet/primal diet

Sport Fitness
does anyone here follow the raw meat or primal diets?

The Primal Diet, is a diet consisting of fatty meats, organ meats, dairy, honey, minimal fruit and vegetable juices and coconut cream, all raw.

There are also those who follow the "Raw Meat Diet", otherwise known as the "Raw, Paleolithic Diet", which is a raw version of the (cooked)Paleolithic Diet, incorporating large amounts of raw animal foods such as raw meats/organ-meats, raw seafood, raw eggs, and some raw plant-foods, but usually avoiding non-Paleo foods such as raw dairy, grains and legumes .

Raw foodism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There seems only one "good" book out there regarding the subject by this guy The Second Book: The Recipe For Living Without Disease. Raw Food Diets and Healthy Living

so any thoughts/opinions??? I was thinking about buying the book and giving this a go

If you want to die earlier than yes.

I hope you don't waste your money on that book; a far more interesting and profound book is The China Study ;)
I don't think it sounds overly far off. In this area Sushi restaurants are very popular and that's all raw sea creatures. If you go visit northern Canada you get "treated" to traditional fare which is also raw meat, seal, whale, caribou etc....((shrugs))

That China Study looks like a good read btw!

Why does everyone always have to pick a side at the very end of the spectrum? It's either all meat, or no meat at all, etc.
Yeah it's def worth a read if you have the time.

No one said no meat Karky :p

Only to limit the amount of red meat one consumes, just like you would, or should, with confectionaries etc..
does anyone here follow the raw meat or primal diets

It might be kind of expensive, even if it is tasty:

On a more serious note, while a few actual paleolithic people may have made it to ripe old ages (if they did not get killed by accidents, predators, or prey trying to defend themselves), remember that hunting meat and gathering vegetables in paleolithic times required much more exercise than gathering packaged meat and vegetables from the grocery store today. Also, the wild meat eaten back then would be a lot leaner, and the fat profile would likely be less saturated and higher in omega-3 fats (like wild fish today). Fruits of that time would have been much less sweet than the cultivated varieties of today.
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