Rather long-winded rant about myself...happy to be here!


New member

I've been hanging around this board for a few months now, and now that school's out I decided it's time to join ;-)

I've struggled with my weight since (sadly) 6th grade. Much of the pressure came from my fit-and-thin , slightly-obsessive-about-weight family - especially my mom. I was never overweight, but in 6th and 7th grade my mom considered me "too chubby"...actually, even before that. Now looking at pictures of the time, I was very skinny - the "chubbiness" she saw is basically the not-completely-flat stomach of childhood.

I remember being nine and standing in a GAP dressing room with my mom lecturing me about how we were going to start a diet together. I was very skinny till I was around eight - and after that I was still skinny, I just stopped growing for a while. In middle school I did a big growth stretch, but I also gained some weight because of the counter-effect of my parent's restrictions when I was younger. For example they'd frown and be 'disappointed' if I chose a chocolate ice cream over a fruit bar when I was six or seven - so when I was in middle school and at lunch and on school trips far away from my parents, I'd binge on those foods I had been denied - pastries, chocolate, candy, sweets. I'm embarassed to be telling you all this - but it has to be done to get it out of my system :(

By becoming obsessed with losing weight when I didn;t need it, I set myself up for years of worrying and messing up my weight, balance and metabolism. In the last three years of high school, my life has become a yo-yo hell. A couple of days of severe dieting, then a binge, then I feel disgusting and just "HAVE" to go back to crazy-dieting-and-excercise again to make up for it, but then I binge again.

Last summer I took up spinning and a healthy-but-reduced diet. In a month and a half I lost a healthy amount of weight and felt GREAT. My skin glowed, I felt amazing, my clothes fit a thousand times better, and best of all my relationship with my parents became a lot better - I could be more natural around them, free of the guilt I usually felt (man, this is sounding waaay too psychology-y).

Then I went to Europe for three weeks and gained it all back and more - let's just say a 3-week binge isn't pretty. This past year I've gained about 15 more pounds with the stress of school.

I'm pretty active usually, so excercise won't be something new. I just know I HAVE to get back on track - especially for my health. I have to re-learn to eat in a balanced way - and hopefully drop the extra baggage on the way...

I'm joining my school's cross-country team today, which is practicing all summer :)

I have no idea what approach to take to eating...I just hope I can do it (yesterday was my LAST binge, I swear!!)

I love the support I see around this forum, so I hope I get to know many of you and we can all help each other towards our goals ;)

- this was probably way too detailed, ranting and random but I am not skilled at introducing myself..

This was a monster of a post - I don't expect anyone to actually read it....but if you do, you definitely deserve a medal if you've gotten to the end!

I think I know where you are coming from....we sometimes just create problems where none exists.....only to realize that the universe has conspired to give us just what we wished for :)

Not to worry, you know where the problem lies,...now all you gotta do is correct it....

World Cup fever is on right now...this is a good time to be alive....

All the best for your goal...am sure i am gonna be around when you get there....
Thanks for the encouragement!! It cheered my up considerably...

You're right...

Watching Brazil vs. Croatia right now, by the way :D
long post

Long posts are good! They are good to read, and good to write. Your openness and honesty will help you to deal with the issues that make you overeat, and you never know when someone else might be experiencing the same thing and just not have the nerve to write it down. Now that you have said it, the other person knows they are not alone. :) Don't apologize for long posts, just keep on writing. Start a diary in the weight loss diaries section, and you will get lots of support from the friendly and helpful people around here!
Hi Cecilia, your post has helped me. I have a young daughter who I dont want to affect adversely. Its certainly something which worries me.
L-Jay said:
Hi Cecilia, your post has helped me. I have a young daughter who I dont want to affect adversely. Its certainly something which worries me.

I've been taking mental notes for when I have a daughter of my own :)

Setting a good example and teaching the benefits of a good diet, and excercise (HEALTH, glowing skin, just plain feeling good) as well as what "eating right and excercising are" is the way to go. It's when you start straight-out forbidding certain foods or forcing excercise with APPEARANCE as the main criteria that it will probably lead to problems...

Thanks for the responses guys :)
I think it can get weird if different members of the same family harbour different perceptions about health, fitness, what constitutes beauty and subsequently happiness.

I have a sister who is considerably overweight and another who is paper thin :)....and i guess i form the median :)

They have always managed to share their diets, if not clothes with each other and so I never paid too much attention to this aspect...but after thinking about Cecilia's post....i guess i am going to be careful about how my habits and attitudes are going to impact people around :)

Just back from the gym and now off to work....see you all later!


thinthighs, the thing is no one in my family is overweight. Except for one of my grandmothers, who is slightly chubby, everyone's very thin and fit. One of my cousins, who happened to be born two days before me and thus started a never-ending comparison of me vs. her for my whole family, is a model. My mother's one out of five sisters, all slender and still very pretty and young-looking. My dad has two brothers and two sisters. All of my parent's siblings have four children or more - my family's the exception because I have just two siblings, so we're three. And - yup, you guessed it - the only one who has problems of any kind is me.

So even though I know we all love each other to death, I feel like I'm constantly being compared and critiziced and my behavior picked apart to see what's wrong with me...

They try to be helpful with their tips etc, but they just don't understand.

Wow, I really should stop before I start ranting even more...sorry guys, but thanks for listening!! I swear I'm not as psychotic as I sound!
Telling the truth and telling things how they seem and feel to you is far from psychotic.. it is the most sane thing you can do.

I have a mother who has always weighed less than me.. but we have always looked about the same size. I hit her weight (180) when I was 15 and ever since then she has basicly tortured me about being heavier than her. She always did these fad diets... lost 10 lbs.. then gained it all back. I never did. When I started out loosing weight I couldn't beleive how little faith people around me had in me. They said I couldn't do it.. my Dad still says I wont get beneith 165.. but I am going for 150 and I dont care. Families can mean well.. but have the poorest way of saying it.

Unfortunatly I was not denied foods.. fortunatly and unfortuatly.. but my Dad can eat almost anything and he stays below 200 lbs (he is 6'0).. chocolate bars.. chips.. beer... so I got exposed alot to a never ending supply of sweets and junk food... where I gained weight and he didn't. Same with my ex-bf. With my mother.. she went on wacky diets but binged in the evenings.. worst role-model for dieting.

What I am trying to say.. is I understand what you went through.. even though mine was slightly different. I understand the family issues... and you are not even close to psychotic. :)

Welcome to the forum.. lovely to see you around!
Awww...thanks Avi2kat!!! :)

I'm really really glad I found a place with like-minded people who have shared somewhat similar experiences.

Unofrtunately, somehow I think that I'm kind of doing this more to show my family/friends what I'm made of, rather than the healthier reasons (for me, for better health...). Oh well, who doesn't have the more vain reasons :rolleyes:
Lol. everyone has ulterior motives.. if we do it cause we weant to look good in a bikini.. its prob cause we want the attention in a bikini.. if we do it to prove people wrong... its a strong motive and jsut as good. I wanna prove my Dad wrong.. you can prove your entire family wrong. lol
Cecilia, I am all to familiar with your scenario, unfortunately, but this CAN be done - even if you decide to do it to prove something;) YOU have faith in you and WE have faith in you that will get you far :D

I agree with Avi2Kat, also. The truth is not a psychotic symptom! There is much to be said for the phrase "the truths shall set you free" - telling it and recognizing it will be a mental load off and set you up for success in the journey of weightloss.

Welcome to the forum ;)
Cecilia07 said:
Unofrtunately, somehow I think that I'm kind of doing this more to show my family/friends what I'm made of, rather than the healthier reasons (for me, for better health...).

Sometimes that's good motivation enough - but eventually you want it to be for you.. because that's how it's lasting... :) Just remember what rick nelson sang... "But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well. You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself "

Good luck on your journey - you're taking the right steps... and you will be successful...
hey cecilia

how does it matter what your reasons are. I mean, nobody is doing it for the society....we are all looking for some personal gain....so methinks u should go right ahead and daydream about how you will gloat when you have hit your goal.

post your progress, na (Hindi for 'no'!)

Have fun

I love long posts!!! I'm good at ranting on and on too.....LOL SO WELCOME! It sounds like you've been through a lot, and I'm glad you're here! Good luck in your weight loss. Prove 'em all wrong!!!!:p