Weight-Loss Rate My Diet

It's not a bad diet ... at least it's not full of diet foods and junk. ;)

But it's not a lot of calories, to be honest. I think you could probably add more food to that. At your weight, you should be eating around 1800 calories per day to lose weight.

I"d also say that you need more veggies. A couple of slices of tomato and some shredded lettuce isn't nearly enough for proper nutrition.
Breakfast: An Activia yogurt & some fruit, either grapes or some watermelon.

I'd save the money and get cheap ordinary yougurt, aim for high proteine low fat. also, more veggies, fruits does contain nutrients but they are basically vegetables with more fast absorbed carbohydrates and less fibers thereby being really good at making your blood sugar swing. they are however sweet, tasty and yummy, and not that high in overall calories so..

I'll snack on some grapes or watemelon until lunch (2-3 slices or 10-15 grapes)

As far as I remember you can basically eat a bazillions gazillion slices of watermelon without much worry, sort of like cucumber.

Then I'll eat a wrap for lunch. Here's the link to the nutritional value of the wrap bread I eat:

Inside the wrap I put:
-3 slices of baked chicken breast
-Shredded lettuce
-A few slices of tomato
-A sprinkle of low-fat shredded cheese (30cal)
-A line of low-fat honey mustard to top it off

Again, save the money on the wrap, buy random whole wheat wrap. nutrition wise nothing wrong at all.

I'll usually snack on some baby carrots with fat-free ranch until dinner (2-3 tbsps: 90cal)

Then I'll have that same wrap again for dinner, and I'll sometimes have It with tuna instead of chicken.

Hmm.. other than the mantra variation is king when it comes to food, nothing wrong at all. The reason nutritionists go "varied food" is because if you eat a reasonable amount of varied food you'll, in by far the most cases, get the nutrients you need.

Then that's it for the day. I drink about 2L of water throughout the day & usually have a glass of diet soda with my dinner.

Comments, concerns, suggestions are all welcome.

[ BTW: this diet is in relation to me trying to lose weight. I'm 23, F, 5'5, 200lbslbs ]

As kara said, add some more calories in there. For breakfast, depending on preference, I might suggest adding something that gives you a more steady energy transfer to your blood like... oatmeal or.. something. Fruits go from mouth to cells faster than you can say quack due to the calories in the mostly being fructose. For some people this is no problem, for some people it means a slight headache and tiredness due to blood sugar going first up and then crashing a bit. Mind you it has nothing to do with loosing weight but That would be my one advice besides kara's. And hey, at 200lbs you need more overall calories! Get some of them healthy fatty acids in there, smear some olive oil on your wraps, throw a couple of avocados in or.. some such thing :)

Best regards and best of luck