Weight-Loss Rate my diet!



New member
Hey guys , im 20 years old , weigh 85kg's , do plenty of excersize (5x a week)...I need to loose like 4 more kg's of fat and put on muscle mass

what ya think of my new diet plan iv been following for the past 3 weeks , lost 2 kg's soo far off it!

8am : 4 egg whites + 1 cup oats

10:30am : Protein shake

1:30pm : 1 can tuna (180g in water) + 1 cup rice

3pm : protein shake

6pm : 1 can tuna + 1 cup rice spn olive oil

10pm before bed : Protein shake

Not included are : Salads , multivitamins etc , i have plenty of that
what is plenty of exercise/

and you aren't going to be building muscle unless you're in caloric surplus.

Get an account at and keep track of your calories.

read the stickied threads araound the forum...

it's been suggested that due to mercury content in tuna,, you shouldn't have it more than 3 -4 days a week.... so you should branch out in protein more..
It doesn't sound like you could maintain that type of diet once you reach your goal weight. Can you imagine eating that for the rest of your life? A more varied diet is always going to be easier to follow in the long run.
ye agreed , but im stiking to this till i lose the last 10 pounds!!!

plenty of excersize is :

Running for a total of about 2 hours a week

2 hours of weight training / lots of reps

Boxing for 2 hours...
What are the actual calories you are eating in a day? Have you found out what your BMR is? Are you getting enough micronutrients? How is your sleep schedule?