Rapid weight lose


New member
I started walking three to four times a week to lose weight about eight months ago. I started dropping weight at a slow rate for about the first month, after that it started coming off really fast. I started at 249 lbs and in the last two months it's been dropping off really fast. I have am down to 197 lbs and five of those pounds are from this week alone.

I eat very healthy but this is kind of scary. Any thoughts about how fast its dropping now.
First off congrats on the weight loss. That is a significant amount and I'm sure it has been a largely positive factor in your life.

I wouldn't be concerned about the rapid weight loss since you are approaching it in a healthy manner. Now if you were fasting and depriving your body of essential nutrients then I would definitely be concerned.

But what kind of exercises are you doing, still just walking? You can actually switch to a strength training emphasis instead and not only lose more fat, but gain more muscle mass too. It seems like you have the diet handled already, which is usually the toughest part.