Random marriage/engagement question.


New member
How old were all of you when you got married/engaged? How long had you been together before that? Had you lived together before? How did they/you propose?

Feel free to answer all/any of the questions!

I'm curious!
I was 22 when I got married, hubby proposed on a beach in the middle of winter as the sun set.
29 when we met (she was 29 too). We dated for about 6 months and lived together for 6 momths before marrying.
I proposed on bended knee.
I was 21 when I got married. We were best friends in high school and knew each other for 6 years before we became boy/girlfriend years after graduating. Then we were together for 2 years before we got married. We've been married for 3.5 years now.

So in total we've known each other 11.5 years.

Before we were wed, we just decided together to get married. We talked and both agreed that it was what we wanted. So there wasn't a formal proposal. But then, on our first anniversary, he got down on one knee and proposed to me after singing a song he wrote.
I was 18 when my first boyfriend 'proposed'. Actually, he didn't propose, he told me we were getting married, and that was it. It was a very abusive relationship, if you can call it a relationship, and a few days later he nearly killed me when he threw me down a flight of stairs. After getting out of hospital I grabbed a handful of clothes, my rats and my car, and left. So that was the first one.

The second one was in December 2005, when I was 30. We hadn't lived together, I didn't officially move in until April 2006, and we got married on the 6th of September 2006. He proposed to me in the middle of a large shopping mall, under the water fountain, with a ring he had secretely bought while we were there. There were about 50 people, and I wanted to slap him for doing it publicly. We did, however, get a free meal from a nearby restaurant, and the people from the Swarovski shop we were standing right in front of (shop on one side, fountain on the other), gave us a goodie bag as an early wedding gift! :)
A variety of ages then! How do those who got married/engaged young feel about it? Did you get the whole "you're too young" speech from family/friends?

Sorry to hear about your shitty ex, San. I was in a similar relationship. Not easy to get over. Hopefully means we make better choices the second time around though!!
I had just turned 19 when I got married. I met hubby online through a forum, we chatted for about a year, then we met each other (he lived in Melbourne, I lived in Brisbane), then I decided to move to Melbourne (3000km away) to 'give it a shot for 6 months', we moved in together straight away, and when the 6 months were coming to an end I said "the only reason for me to stay is if we have a future, like if you wanted to get married and have a family and stuff", and he said "well you'd better stay then!", and that's how it was decided that we were getting married. We went out, bought a ring, then he hid the ring, I found the ring, made him give it to me, then we eloped and got married about 4 months later. We've been married for nearly 4 years! I don't regret it at all, he's a wonderful man and a wonderful husband. I got heaps of the "but you're so young!" speeches, and still get them when I tell people how long I've been married for. I don't think age is an issue, it's maturity.
Re the whole too young speech, from someone who isn't married or engaged, it can go both ways. I was engaged at 20 (I'm not going into it- entirely different to San's situation- but I'm incredibly thankful that didn't work out) and everyone in my life was dead set against it, got too young, got everything (although that could've been because of the guy in question, I guess)- broke up at 21. I'm now 25 and for at least a year, probably more, the disapproving looks/ disappointment from (particularly) my family about the lack of a serious relationship and a man to settle down with are starting to get more frequent. I'm bracing myself for some of my older relatives to actually start uttering the words "find a husband", because I think, given some of their previous comments on suitable jobs for women, it has to be coming. (Their suitable jobs for women would not be enough income to live on with the family I know they invisage me having, especially if I work part time as they also imagine. Quite why I'd get several degrees and get a job like that I'm not sure, but...)

I tend to think after leaving university (with one degree) is where the grey area ("too young" versus "getting on a bit, dear") starts, it's just started to become more obnoxious recently.
Maturity is definitely more important than age. I'm 24 and I will be married a year in August. My husband is younger, and we have had a rocky marriage. I think it's hard to find someone stable these days.
I was engaged, kinda, to my first serious boyfriend when I was 18. I feel embarrassed when I say it now. I'm so so happy it didn't get further than that because we were so wrong for eachother. We were living together and pretty serious for how young we were; we completely rushed into things and I'm glad I got out eventually.

Although I promised myself I'd never rush in so quickly again, I'm now living with my current boyfriend. We've known each other for just under 3 years, been in a relationship for 2 and lived together for one. I see engagement/marriage in our future but I've already told him he can't propose until we've graduated (that's another 2 years) and I won't get married until after our foundation training (4 years).

Long story short: I think it's best to be really really sure. However, that's not got much to do with age, more with how well you know the other person (and yourself!) and I think that mostly does come down to time spent together... Although I might be jaded by my mother and father having a combined number of 5 divorces.
5 divorces, Holly?! Woah..Yeah, not surprised if you are jaded!

Thanks for feedback guys :D I think it'll be on the cards for me and Yank soon :beating:
I proposed to my fiancée on July 29, 2010. We're getting married October 15th, 2011. We met online through blogging. She came here to NZ. Then I went to the USA, and while in the USA, I proposed. We'd been together 10 months. We were both 24 when I proposed.

To propose, I created a flip book of some moments in our relationship, and turned it into a dvd. Left post-its around the house leading to it, and yeah. I recorded the whole thing and we put it on youtube:

It's kind of sappy, so fair warning :)

I met my ex husband when we were both 17, we married at 19 and had a child at 21 and divorced at 26. We are still on good terms, we just grew apart - he has now remarried and has the most adorable twin daughters with his wife.

Second long term relationship was with probably the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. I know from the start I had fucked up - however I did not want people to give me the whole I told you so story so I stuck it out. Within a few months I fell pregnant and decided to try and make the relationship work. It was very hard as he was very controlling and mentally abusive. One nervous breakdown and 5 years later I fell pregnant again!! When my daughter was about 4 - I had enough of being treated like his house slave and plucked up the courage to pack and go. Best decision EVER (even though it took 9 years to make it)! I moved into a little house with my children and we could not be happier.

I started playing World of Warcraft for something to do and when I got to level 30 something I had a random whisper asking if I wanted to do a dungeon. I had never done one before so was quite nervous teaming up with 4 other people. Anyway the next day I got a whisper from the same guy asking if I wanted to join a guild he and his friends were forming. I jumped at the chance and was soon enjoying chatting online to my new friends. Fast forward about 12 months..... One guy in particular seemed really nice and we exchanged MSN details and then mobile numbers..... then we took the plunge and decided to meet face to face. That was nearly 4 years ago and we are still together! It is weird because anyone who plays WOW will know that when you set up a character you choose a server realm and you could only speak to those in your realm and of the same race as you. It was pure coincidence that I was online, the correct level to be able to go in the dungeon on that day and that I was invited to join a guild where I met my man. However we have both stopped playing WOW after the Cataclysam expansion pack - so now we need to lose the 'gaming' weight. We have been engaged for 3 years and will tie the knot in 2013 in South Africa - we will both be fit and 41 then.
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That is the sweetest thing ever. Seriously. Was in tears!
Cheers :)