Hello everybody, I've viewed this forum for a few years actually and I've occasionally posted when I had anything relevant to say. Now I think I'm looking to be a bit more involved, by first starting my own journal.
I'm starting this journal to keep track of my progress, as some of you may know I'm a martial artist looking to compete and I'm trying to get serious about it for a tournament I hope to attend this November (If I can get health insurance by then.) I can't guarantee posts everyday, but I will do what I can and I'll be training in one form or another every day. Weather it's weights, stretching or practicing my techniques.
I'm going to post a few stats just for my own benefit to remind myself how far (or perhaps not so far) I've come when I look back on this in November.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 136.4
Sex: Yes please! (Male)
Goal: Weigh 150lbs by November
Calorie intake goal: 2650 per day (goal edited 7-28-08)
Start date:7-18-08
First entry:
Today I've eaten 2858 calories which is more than I'd planned, the first two days it was all I could do to meet my goal and not throw up. Perhaps my stomach is expanding? I'm expecting to quickly gain to 140-145 as I've done before and probably platoue after that for a little while. I suspect it's a lot of water weight and perhaps just the extra food I've eaten making it's way through my digestive system. No exercise today, I'm still forming my plan. Should be done by this Wednesday. For now I'm just eating, eating, and eating. Tomorrow is my best friends birthday, so I'll try to just meet my calorie goal and have some fun...and maybe some cake!
I'm starting this journal to keep track of my progress, as some of you may know I'm a martial artist looking to compete and I'm trying to get serious about it for a tournament I hope to attend this November (If I can get health insurance by then.) I can't guarantee posts everyday, but I will do what I can and I'll be training in one form or another every day. Weather it's weights, stretching or practicing my techniques.
I'm going to post a few stats just for my own benefit to remind myself how far (or perhaps not so far) I've come when I look back on this in November.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 136.4
Sex: Yes please! (Male)
Goal: Weigh 150lbs by November
Calorie intake goal: 2650 per day (goal edited 7-28-08)
Start date:7-18-08
First entry:
Today I've eaten 2858 calories which is more than I'd planned, the first two days it was all I could do to meet my goal and not throw up. Perhaps my stomach is expanding? I'm expecting to quickly gain to 140-145 as I've done before and probably platoue after that for a little while. I suspect it's a lot of water weight and perhaps just the extra food I've eaten making it's way through my digestive system. No exercise today, I'm still forming my plan. Should be done by this Wednesday. For now I'm just eating, eating, and eating. Tomorrow is my best friends birthday, so I'll try to just meet my calorie goal and have some fun...and maybe some cake!
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