Racist fights in sydney Australia

Anyone heard or read about the racist fights in Sydney?

Apprently the aussies are bashing up the lebanans (??), greeks, italtians, etc............. many people are hurt.

This is bad......... australia has been one of the best countries to travel to....this will definately affect tourism and business and economic. :(
yeah its all over the news here!!! :( yeah its bad... hmm oh well at least its not perth... Yet!!
ahh and i live in sydney!

Well, aussies bashed up the lebs just as much, so no one really started it. Its a shame, i really liked the lebs, their cool.
its sad when such things happen, name one country which doesn't have other nationals?? unless its some tiny isolated island..........every country will have other races and nationalities, we are in the 21st century for heaven's sake.

If we get killed by natural diasters, there's no one to blame, if we get killed by people who cannot tolerate other races, thats a shame.

And i believe it takes 2 hands to clap, there's alot of bottling up of frastruation until one side snaps............

i wish this whole thing would stop. Racial harmony is important, color is not.
yeah i agree totaly, there are so many other more important issuse worth confronting rather than wasting time with these issues which arnt going to change because as you said this is the 21st century :)
o and btw, sydney doesnt have to worry about tourism, we have enough ppl here already, so its really not a concern.

It only happened in a very localised part of sydney, i dont think it will effect tourism anyway.
Chocolate said:
i wish this whole thing would stop. Racial harmony is important, color is not.

I 100 percent agree, I don't see a color, I see a person.

unfortunately for everyone else, its just not that easy.

People in general are not tolerant of people who are different. Its not just race, people have been persecuted for religious beliefs too. While it is sad, its a fact of life.
lesbians are cool! oops...I mean lebanese!

yeah lebanese are cool cats! here in montreal Italians like myself get along real well with the lebs and other people of mediterrenean race. The aussies are being really foolish and just making their country look bad on the big screen for the rest of the world to see, pityful :(
Here is some kind of background on how it all started. 2 Volunteer Lifeguards on Sydneys Cronulla beach were set upon and bashed by a gang of lebos. I personally have not encountered any of this but i have good friends that live in Sydney and they tell me all the time about how they are walking down the street and get racial taunts yelled at them for being white, people get bashed for being white more so than the other way around...this has been going on for along time now and people are fed up with it and are fighting back...Now i am all for multiculturism but when People come over here the majority dont want to intigrate into our society..they mainly stay in there own little communites (vietnamese, chinese, lebanese etc) they speak there own language, go to there own schools and generally dont have anything to do with the "normal" australia that everyone sees.

Mainly the way the "white" population acted on that 1 day is very bad..but over the following few days the middle eastern community hit back in a much more violent way..bashing fathers in front of there young children...1 story i heard is of an older lady getting hit over the head with a baseball bat, 100's of cars completey destroyed.

Basically the way both sides acted was irresponible. But there is some background info on how it all started.
Racial tolerance is important. None of us chose where to be born.

I have lived outside my country most of my life...in different places. When I go back home, I respect those who make a living there irrespective of where they come from.

Yeah, very true.
Racism is just ignorance. I hate it.