current bulking diet...
All days based around 3200cals-3600cals with 200g protein aprox
Fats are between 100g and 150g. and carbs about 400g
*Meat snack = cold chicken legs, cold meatballs, chicken breast, tin tuna, 2sausages, beef jerky, cooked cold turkey bacon. All measured for approx 40g of protein.
I take my creatine with my morning water and multi vit.
I do frequently miss meals when i really cant eat anymore, maybe 1meal every 2-3days.
non-training day
meal 1 - scramble eggs with corned beef on seeded toast, coffee, fruit.
or protein pancakes, or boiled eggs with toast.
meal 2 - oats with water and sugar, meat snack*
meal 3 - nuts and 2 fruits
meal 4 - main meal, sweetpotato/pasta, rice, meat 1-2 veg
7-8pm swimming or light jog.
meal 5 - whey shake with brown sugar
meal 6 (11pm). cottage cheese on toast with salami
Training day not at work
meal 1 - scramble eggs with corned beef on seeded toast, coffee, fruit.
or protein pancakes, or boiled eggs with toast.
meal 2 - oats with water and sugar, meat snack*
meal 3 - nuts and 2 fruits + myoplex protein bar, jam (jelly) sandwich
workout 3pm
meal 4 - Post workout shake. whey with brown sugar
meal 5 - main meal, sweetpotato/pasta, rice, meat 1-2 veg
7-8pm stretching/yoga dvd, 45mins
meal 6 - whey shake with brown sugar
meal 7 (11pm). cottage cheese on toast with salami
Training day, and workday 8am-6pm 3-4days a week.
meal 1 - Oats, protein shake, coffee fruit
meal 2 - Meat sandwich, 1 fruit
meal 3 - nuts and 2 fruits and meat snack
meal 4 - main meal (at work), leftover pasta and meat dish, jacket potato with tuna and mayo.
Workout 8pm
meal 5 - post workout whey shake with brown sugar
Stretching - 15mins
meal 6 (in bed). cottage cheese on toast with salami
All days based around 3200cals-3600cals with 200g protein aprox
Fats are between 100g and 150g. and carbs about 400g
*Meat snack = cold chicken legs, cold meatballs, chicken breast, tin tuna, 2sausages, beef jerky, cooked cold turkey bacon. All measured for approx 40g of protein.
I take my creatine with my morning water and multi vit.
I do frequently miss meals when i really cant eat anymore, maybe 1meal every 2-3days.
non-training day
meal 1 - scramble eggs with corned beef on seeded toast, coffee, fruit.
or protein pancakes, or boiled eggs with toast.
meal 2 - oats with water and sugar, meat snack*
meal 3 - nuts and 2 fruits
meal 4 - main meal, sweetpotato/pasta, rice, meat 1-2 veg
7-8pm swimming or light jog.
meal 5 - whey shake with brown sugar
meal 6 (11pm). cottage cheese on toast with salami
Training day not at work
meal 1 - scramble eggs with corned beef on seeded toast, coffee, fruit.
or protein pancakes, or boiled eggs with toast.
meal 2 - oats with water and sugar, meat snack*
meal 3 - nuts and 2 fruits + myoplex protein bar, jam (jelly) sandwich
workout 3pm
meal 4 - Post workout shake. whey with brown sugar
meal 5 - main meal, sweetpotato/pasta, rice, meat 1-2 veg
7-8pm stretching/yoga dvd, 45mins
meal 6 - whey shake with brown sugar
meal 7 (11pm). cottage cheese on toast with salami
Training day, and workday 8am-6pm 3-4days a week.
meal 1 - Oats, protein shake, coffee fruit
meal 2 - Meat sandwich, 1 fruit
meal 3 - nuts and 2 fruits and meat snack
meal 4 - main meal (at work), leftover pasta and meat dish, jacket potato with tuna and mayo.
Workout 8pm
meal 5 - post workout whey shake with brown sugar
Stretching - 15mins
meal 6 (in bed). cottage cheese on toast with salami