R.I.P. Steve Irwin

R.I.P. Steve Irwin

Lei just told me.

If you didnt know already, Steve Irwin was killed by a sting ray today.

Lets dedicate this thread to Steve Irwin links and interesting info about this great mans life.
He was great here in Australia, but not as great as he was in the US as i believe.

It really makes me sad, because I saw one of his shows at the Australian zoo, and his family were away in canada. Anyway, they were up on the big screen and he was talking to them infront of all us and he was crying coz he missed them so much. He had soo much love for his family it really is sad that he had to die, leaving his 7 (or 9) yr old daughter and 5 yr old son and wife.

RIP Irwin.
The kindness and child-like exuberance he displayed was amazing. He seemed like a genuinely honest and good person.
R.I.P. Crocodile Hunter.
To be honest I found him annoying as a television personality, but I'm still shocked and saddened by his death. Terrible.
This is so sad :( at first i wasnt sure who he is, because i always refer to him as the crocodile hunter lol. but now i read this article :

very sad...i thuoght he was cute & funny!
I know, poor Steve, and his poor family as well. I loved his TV shows and he seemed to really care about conservation and wildlife.
I read this last night. My jaw literally dropped when I saw this. You would ask yourself why this man wouldn't have retired early since he already had it made.. but more due to his job being on the edge everytime he was at it. He loved doing what he did and he was a great contribute to australia's tourist attraction, and Australia Zoo as well. What makes this even worse is that when it had happened his wife never knew because she was out in the mountains of tazmania with no communication. I am sure may have heard word by now but he's leaving her and there 2 kids. This man was a great enthusiastic man. He will be missed.

RIP Crikey Crocodile Hunter
THat is really sad... he did so much for wildlife conservation, there should be more people like him. Hopefully his wife and children will carry on for him.
R.I.P. Steve. I remember watching his show when I was younger thinking "man this guy is crazy!" It's sad that he died so young (44) but I'm glad that he died what he loved and dedicated his life to. Respect goes out to him and his family.

This news was more saddening than it should have been, considering I only knew the man on the tv. The more I think about it, the sadder I get...I even blogged about it.

It's been interesting to hear all the reactions to his death. That his personality showed through even though many of us had only seen him sparingly on tv. I somehow think it fitting he went that way - doing what he loved best (and rather than getting hit by a bus while crossing the street).
About a week after that happened , a sting ray similar to the one steve encountered jumped on a mans boat and stung him in the chest . But the man managed to live , he kept the stinger in his chest until he got to the hospital. thats what steve failed to do , pulling it out killed him :-`(

Ohh really, Steve was being to manly I guess.