quickness excersises

this ex nrl (rugby) player told me that he used to train by getting small weights and have them in each hand and run at the beach and in the water wit the water about half a metre up the legs, he also told me that muhammad ali used to do this for his quickness
That sounds quite hardcore! I'd give it a go if there were any sand on my local beaches. I think the shingle would make it a little too hardcore though.
I don't know about running with dumb bells... lot of negative feedback for running with weights in your hands or on your ankles. Restricts movement, and this does sound hard core indeed.

I dont know about the resistance from running in water (whether its good or bad) but the effect results in what we called "knee-highs" in football. Forcing your knee up to about your hip each step during a short or stand-in-place run.

Really works out your quads. I would imagine you do the same thing when running in 1-2 feet of water.. unless you really want to try forcing your ankle through the water.
Yes, running in water is great for building up power. I think the Mohammed Ali reference was more directed to Mohammed Ali throwing punches underwater, which is better than using weights. If you think about punching with weights for example (also with running but same idea) we see that gravity takes the arm only one diredtion. Underwater, you feel resistance from not only moving foward, but backward and to all other sides. It's quite wonderful.

And running in sand is equally great. The sand absorbs the impact and therefore requires you to output more energy to go. And running barefoot is really invigorating.

Ahhhh, I'm smiling right now. Hahahahha!
for speed our coach for cc has us run 800s in no more then 3 mins we do about 6-8 of these. resting in between.. although running on the beach does sound invigorating. ^_^
preparing for our new rugby season we used to train on the beach for 2 hours.. it's exhausting, but once you get on the field you feel light as a feather