Weight-Loss Quick ?



New member
If a meat has a calorie value of 200 when it is cooked does it loose any calorie value and also I have been reading a lot of product labels and the one item I would like to know about is when carbs are broke down it list “OTHER” carbs what are “OTHER” carbs? I would also like to say thank you for any and all help
There's a difference in caloric value between cooked meat and uncooked meat -because meat looses volume during cooking.

Generally uncooked weight might be 100 calories per ounce and cooked might be 125 calories per ounce...

Carbs are generally broken down to sugars/fiber/and whatever is left...
Interesting question.

I believe when you cook the meat it's calorie content is going to be the same, unless you are draining considerable amounts of fat off of it (which we shouldn't be consuming those kinds of meats anyway.) Mostly what is loss during cooking is water - and then some vitamins.

As for the 2nd, part of the question, I've never seen "other" carbs listed. Just Carbohydrates. But I know that some labels would like for you to believe that because there is fiber in the mix that some of the carbs don't count toward your official carb count.