Quick Trim Diet


New member
Hey everyone! I haven't been on here in ages.

I always see that 'Quick Trim' commercial on TV and of course, it peaked my curiousity. I typed it in on here and no threads came up so I figured I'd start one asking if anyone has used this. Other websites have mixed reviews (as always)...one person saying it's amazing and it works and the other saying they lost no weight even with diet and exercise and it gives them massive headaches. Blah blah, isn't that the case with every diet pill?

I know, I know, diet and exercise is the right way to go about it. But I'm still wondering, has anyone used it? Does it work? Side effects? How many pills do you take a day? From what I read, you take 8, which is A LOT.

No magic pill. It's amazing cause the person just cashed a paycheck for being in the commercial.
Hi Shep! Long time no see. If you are down to 126 that is awesome. Are you currently exercising? I don't know anything about Quick Trim. Sorry.