Sport quick question

Sport Fitness
so ive read that you should eat a small meal every 2 to 3 hours a day(i think till you have 6 meals)
I dont realy need to lose that much weight considering im about at 10 % body fat maybe less. i just want to get my abs a little more defined..the prob. w/ the 6 small meals a day thing is, is cause i got school. any suggestions
Let's say you go to school 7-3.

6am- meal
Noon- meal
3- meal
5:30 - meal
7:30 -meal
9:30/10- meal

Even if you have 1 cool teacher, you can sneak another 1/2 meal in their class.
I usually bring fruit, wheat crackers, yogurt or something. I used to do protein bars, but I don't eat them anymore.