quick question

hello all, those of u who know me helllo hello, I just have a quick question. I am doing well with my weight loss and I am pushing harder on the weights. Im tryin to get more definition/cuts on my muscles. I have lightened up on weights and added more reps, but this is in regards to my dieting----should I eat protien every 3 hours and will this make me more cut up. Im dont want to get bulky like a monster, just seriously cut up. I have some cuts but i want them to stand out.
please help me
being "cut" comes from having well defined muscles accompanied by a low body fat right?
So if are doing well with your weight, that means it is dropping (I am assuming.) You should not be going more than 3 hours without a meal.
If I were you, I would aim for 6 meals per day at a ratio of 40/30/30 (pro/carb/fat).
Aim to lower carbs as the day goes on and raise your fat intake. Protein should remain constant, and high throughout.
The importance of high protein during a cut is muscle maintainence. Your body will break down muscle tissues if you do not provide it with enough protein. This is unavoidable for some, but you can definitely limit the amount of LBM loss by consuming sufficient protein.
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well yea my weight is dropping and that is exactly how many meals i have a day -so i guess im on the right track. lol lol thank u so much for your time and advice...it really helped me.
good stuff man!
If you know what your body is doing, you can make decisions based off that. Tons of people lose muscle and fat and think they are burning off fat.
Keep at it man! :)