Quick hello

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New member
Hi, I just joined and as usual I jumped the gun. I have put a history of sorts in the diaries forum, but I thought I should say hi here too.

Potted version of the diary entry: I'm 29 yo, I've been obese since I was about 4 years old, and never seen myself the way I should look. I was a ladies size 14 (AU size) byt he time I was 10 years old. I have had bad stretchmarks all over my arms, hips, thighs, breasts and stomach since I was 6.

For my 30th birthday I want to treat myself to some cosmetic surgery to get rid of teh loose skin and stretchmarks I have, but I need to get down to at least 95 KG before I can book in.

I have also sustained a bad injury to my lower back about 2 years ago, so my normally fit yet overweight body is now all flab with little muscle tone and next to no stamina.

I ahve my work cut out for me, but I have been givent he OK by my GP to get back into the gym, so here goes :)
welcome, thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself! :) glad you decided to start a diary too, it will help you keep a better record of what your doing and we can check up on you. ;)
Hi Asheraa! Welcome to the group. I too have always been overweight. Even at birth I weight over 10 pounds. I've been dieting as long as I can remember. This time I made the decision to quit dieting and living right. I still eat the things I love, but I control how much and balance fattening things into a daily plan. I also made a commitment to myself to become more active. Sometimes it's excercise, sometimes just doing active things I enjoy. Glad to see you here and hope that you find the great support that I did. I'm not sure that I could have kept on as well as I have if it weren't for this forum. Good luck on you new mission in life!
Welcome! I'm a newbie too.. only been here for a bit.. but im sure you will like it here.. I do already. :D
Welcome! I'm sure you'll find that everyone here is really supportive!
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