Sport Quick easy question - placement of post-workout shake

Sport Fitness
About two or three days a week after I lift, I try to do about 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardio. I know that taking a post-workout shake directly after your workout is important to boost insulin, add protein, etc. Should I take the shake between lifting and cardio, or after I'm totally done? By the way, I'm biking, so getting nauseated from eating and then physical activity isn't really a concern (that's more of a problem with running, I think).
for how long are you weightlifting before you do cardio and what's the time span between your pre work out meal and your weightlifting?
I've actually wondered this too, and if you don't mind, Karky, can I'd like input on my situation too. I usually eat something 60-90 minutes before I workout and my workout lasts 30-45 minutes. On days that I do cardio after lifting, that can be anywhere from 25 to 60 minutes. Even if I drank the shake as soon as I got home, which I don't normally do because I shower first, that can still sometimes be 60+ minutes after lifting.

I don't really want to have a shake between lifting and cardio, but I always wondered if it was hurting my progress waiting that long.
I'd consider at least drinking some glucose + protein during your workout when you do both strength training and cardio in the same session since the sessions will be long. Both to save protein from being used as fuel but also to increase the work you can do. you should at least try it to see if you notice a difference.

You'll need to see if you get gastric discomfort though, as some people get. Generally the mixture should be pretty "thin", IE, a lot of water and a little protein and/or glucose.

You could also go with a mixture of glucose and maltodextrin, especially if you experience some discomfort, since maltodextrin will help with gastric emptying.