

I recently (last weekend) bought an exercise bike. I am 36 and needless to say I have let my health go over the last 10 years or so.

Anyway my question is on the use of the bike. After using it for 5 mins or so my legs feel like they are on fire and I have a good heart rate and sweat pretty bad which feels good I don't feel exhausted or anything but I just can not make my legs keep going. My doctor recommended the bike to help get into a good exercise regimen and strengthen my heart and such. I live in Alaska and walking is fine and cross country skiing but I am in no shape for skiing at the moment and bikes are near impossible on ice so we decided on a indoor bike. Walking is fine but really can be hard to make yourself go walking on some days when it is extremely cold, although I suspect the fat lost would be high in the cold. :)

I am just wondering if the 5 mins is worth it or if my legs will slowly build up to where I can go longer. From what I have read you need 20 to 30 mins to get the heart going well and to strengthen it.

Should I concentrate on building up my leg strength and not worry about the cardio workout to start? Or am I on the wrong track? Is it viable to work out in the morning and evening to build up my strength or is it counter productive?

Also are dumb bells ok for upper body? Since I am really motivated in doing this I think I might as well work the upper body also. I am sure I could find a trainer in town here but I really don’t have the time or desire to go to a gym everyday. I just feel more comfortable working at home.

I appreciate any help.

Never mind was just a case of "read the manual stupid".