Questions about running

hi, i am new to running because i couldn't find the time to do so cause i am studying. now i am having holidays so i decided to jog to get rid of my big belly.
i jogged for 800m (i couldn't take it anymore) and slow jog for 400m. after that i feel dizzy, is it because i can't take it anymore? and i walked off 3km. tried jogging before i reach the end, and still i get a bit dizzy.
i plan to jog 3 times a week but not going on diet though..(couldn't resist the food),should i jog everyday? is there any better plan because i plan to get rid of my belly within 2 months.
thanks for reading :p
Do you eat good or are you a starving student?

How strenuous a run are you doing if you were to rate it on a scale of (low)1-10(high) - for you?
get a heart rate monitor and set it to 65% of your max heart rate. HRMAX=220 - your age. Fat burning zone is 65% of your HRMAX. If you stay in this zone you should not be winded. If you don't want to spend the money (but you should) you can estimate your HR like this....If you feel you could almost carry on a conversation during your exercise, you should be in your fat burning zone. If you are getting winded you are mostly burning the sugars in your muscles. Remember, the harder you work, the less fat you burn. Go easy and go for duration (45min). You can't get rid of a belly in 2mo without a crash diet or drugs. And both are dangerous. But you can make a noticable difference.


should i run everyday ? or 3 times a week?

during my 2nd run, i jog for 200m then walk 200m, repeating.. its feeling better
For a novice, every other day would be the most I recommend. The walk run method is very popular, keep it up. Mind your heart rate even while walking and try to keep it in a certain zone. When you start running again, see how long you can keep your heart rate down, then try to expand that number every week or so.
adobe said:
i jogged for 800m (i couldn't take it anymore) and slow jog for 400m. after that i feel dizzy, is it because i can't take it anymore? and i walked off 3km. tried jogging before i reach the end, and still i get a bit dizzy.

That's natural, don't worry about it. Your body needs to get use to the idea of running and with time, it will get easier and easier.

adobe said:
i plan to jog 3 times a week but not going on diet though..(couldn't resist the food),should i jog everyday?

That's a good start!! Don't over do it though because your body needs to get use to the training first. I know so many people at my local gym who join up, go every day then drop out after a month or two. Make yourself a plan like start on Mondays then go every other day. By the way, you don't need to go on a diet. Cardiovascular exercise coupled with a healthy eating habit will do the job.

adobe said:
is there any better plan because i plan to get rid of my belly within 2 months.
thanks for reading :p

There is no secret formula!!! If you put in the necessary effort then you will see the rewards. The more calories you burn the less fat your body will have so no two ways about it. If you want to double the results then double the amount of calories you burn off each week.

Put it this way, if you're burning 300-400 calories per session for three workouts per week. That's about 1200 calories per week burned. If you double that to say 6 workouts per week at 400 calories a session you would burn 2400. But as I said, don't over do it at the start. If you are a beginner then stick to the 3 days a week for a few weeks then move it up a gear.

Oh... and your food.... cut down on the fatty stuff and make sure you have food that is rich in protein and carbohydraites.

Good Luck!