Weight-Loss Questions about my diet...



New member
Hello all,

Long story short, I've been dieting since April of 2008. I originally weighed 272 lbs and now weigh 220 lbs. I'm 21 years of age and 5'7" tall. I'm looking to get down to between 150 lbs-160 lbs when all is said and done. Anyway, I had been doing good on my diet and exercising but a combination of holiday crazyness and a nagging cold has caused my diet to go out whack since Thanksgiving. I do about 40 minutes of cardio 4 times per week, and use my Bowflex about 4 times per week. When everything is good, I'd like to do some form of cardio work every day and use my Bowflex 5 times per week. The main reason for my thread is, I would like to list my diet and see where it can be improved.

For breakfast, I have a bowl of Cheerios with Skim Plus milk.

For lunch, I usually have 3 eggs over easy with salt, pepper, and ketchup on either two slices of whole wheat bread, or a multi-grain bagel.

For snacks, I'll usually eat a cup of yogurt, and a small bag of the Sunchip grain chips.

For dinner, depending on the day, I'll usually eat either steak, breaded chicken cutlets, breaded pork chops, roast beef, meatloaf, cheeseburgers (on wheat/grain rolls), multigrain pasta, or low fat hot dogs. With the steak, chicken cutlets, pork chops, or roast beef, it's usually accompanied by a side of mashed potatoes or the multigrain macaroni and cheese.

I don't drink alcohol at all, I don't drink soda at all, I drink a lot of water and have a cup of coffee about 4-5 times per week.

I know my diet has no vegetables in it, I'm just not a fan of them. I never have been. I've tried over the years but I just can't eat them. I always spit them out.

I have a couple of questions, when going out to eat at chain restaurants such as TGI Fridays or Applebees, is there anything on the menu I can eat that's somewhat healthy? I'm not a fan of salads so that's out of the question. I guess I could probably eat their steak.

Also, how unhealthy is pizza? Growing up in New York, I've been subjected to some excellent tasting pizza. Since starting my diet in April, I'd say I've had pizza on maybe 7 different occasions, usually for special events only.

Thanks to all who chime in, it's much appreciated.