Questions about creatine

Alot of people take this product this is what I know about it.
-It increases your ability to lift and gives your energy to work out
-you need to drink alot of water while or after your creatine consumtion

I have been told that if you take creatine and screw up the cycle given to you you mess up your liver and can screw youself over

I also have learned if you stop taking creatine your muscles turn all mushey is this true? I dont wanna stop or start this supplement if it will effect my muscles or my body in any way. So will I still have lean mass after taking it?

I also learned that you will lose water weight is this a bad thing aswell?

I have been told that after you stop taking it you get weaker because you dont have that boost it gives you while you take itis this true?

If I do take creatine do you take it before a workout and a protein shake after the workout? or could you take the creatine after the workout aswell instead of protein shakes.

I will appreciate this very much can someone please answer all these questions for me ill be the happiest guy in the world
i believe u take it after ur workout and mix it with ur protein shake
Wish my parents would let me have creatine, I'm lucky to have Whey Protein. Every 2 seconds my dad was like "whats this incredient!".
when I was 15-16 and wanting to start bodybuilding, my mom was the same way.
you can do it without supplements though, just a multivitamin and good eatin'.