Sport Questions abour eggs

Sport Fitness
I know eggs are a good source of protien and i think each egg contains about 60 grams but why do people say egg whites ? are the yellow bits bad or do they just mean whole eggs and allso when i cook eggs i tend to put a tiny bit of butter on there b4 i cook them because dont eggs cook **** if u dont have butter underneath? and salt and peper on eggs is fine right and what about bacon or should i avoid it. i havent been eating bacon with it coz i think its faty as hell but if it isent plz tell me. and just for a test i tried just drinking a raw egg freaking hard i chucked it up in the sink there a spesial way to drink them down ? lol stupid questions but im just curious.
The yolk (yellow part) has additional fat content that the whites do not, so it's more efficient just to have the whites. Hard boiling is your best bet for cooking eggs, since it doesn't require any fat sources (like butter) to do its thing.
Extra virgin olive oil is a good source of fats, dont use butter use olive oil. I like to mix 1 or two yolks with 5 or 6 whites. Slow down on the salt, damn do you put salt on everything? lol

Yes stay away from bacon.

I would not drink raw eggs, even if it tasted good. :cool:
With regards to Eggs, I've just taken this post from LV in a previous thread because it explains it well

It's quite simple really.

The yolk contains fat and protein where as the white contains protein only. So if that meal requires one to have a fat and they choose to have it come from the yolk of an egg then all they have to do is measure out how much fat is required for that meal and determine how many yolks to ingest.

Some may argue that the yolk is bad for you due to it's cholesterol properties however that myth was de-bunked long ago. You'd have to comsume mass quanities of yolks in order for them to be bad for you. Of course you'd want to keep them to a minimum if you have a history of high cholesterol.
and just for a test i tried just drinking a raw egg freaking hard i chucked it up in the sink there a spesial way to drink them down ? lol stupid questions but im just curious.

Drinking raw eggs benefits you:
* It contains slightly more protein that would otherwise be changed when cooked
* It is better if you're looking for building muscles

Drinking raw eggs can also:
* cause extreme discomfort
* going to the bathroom not knowing where it's going to come out

If you must drink raw eggs for protein, then I recommend a protein shake. Otherwise, you should drink it without stopping to taste it. Put a little water in it. Perhaps whey protein will be a better choice as it will have a lot more protein and it's a heck of a lot better tasting than drinking raw eggs.
Drinking raw eggs benefits you:
* It contains slightly more protein that would otherwise be changed when cooked
* It is better if you're looking for building muscles

Drinking raw eggs can also:
* cause extreme discomfort
* going to the bathroom not knowing where it's going to come out

If you must drink raw eggs for protein, then I recommend a protein shake. Otherwise, you should drink it without stopping to taste it. Put a little water in it. Perhaps whey protein will be a better choice as it will have a lot more protein and it's a heck of a lot better tasting than drinking raw eggs.

The avidin in the uncooked egg binds with biotin in the stomach which makes biotin absorption rate suffer to near nothing. Which can easily lead to a biotin deficiencies. which is some what serious. Cooking destroys the Avidin in the egg.
The avidin in the uncooked egg binds with biotin in the stomach which makes biotin absorption rate suffer to near nothing. Which can easily lead to a biotin deficiencies. which is some what serious. Cooking destroys the Avidin in the egg.

Right over my head. Anyone else?
Stick with hard boiled-- and I'm with C-M...why all the salt?!

Raw eggs? only if you plan on sitting on and hatching a chicken....

Oh sorry, I wasn't clear.

I meant he should drink protein shakes, instead if he wanted to drink eggs raw. I was writing it in a hurry. :eek:
raw eggs....not for me thanks.

The whole egg yolks will kill you thing is pretty much over.

However, I think it's important to remember that heart disease is one of the leading preventable causes of death - that means a whole bunch of people are dying from it (duh). Eating a lot of sat.fat, salt, and cholesterol is not exactly going to help stop heart disease (again, duh).

So, in the big picture, if you eat overall healthy and exercise, some egg yolks aren't going to kill you. If you eat pretty bad and don't exercise, maybe switching a few whole eggs for some whites might be a small step in the right direction---that and cutting out the bacon, butter, and salt. ;)
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Ok so I got another question pertaining to eggs and cholestrol then. Eggs have a ton of cholestrol but I heard that it is the saturated/trans fats that raise your blood cholesterol level up. Does this mean that foods high in cholesterol but low in fat, still elevate your cholesterol level ?

For instance, protein shakes have about 70mg of cholesterol a pop. Taking 3 a day you'd already be at 210 mg of cholesterol. The daily recommended amount of cholesterol is 300 mg I think. Now my question is, does this make your blood cholesterol level go crazy or is it from the effects of saturated/trans fats which clog your arteries?
Ok ive decided not to drink raw eggs ever again well i kinda decided that the second i chucked it up in the sink. and knowing that there are things that do the same for u but taste way better is allso a bonus. u know what really made me do it...i seen rocky do it in his first movie he cracked like 4 eggs and just smashed them down !!! lol and the last thing i arsked about salt was with popcorn thats 2 things unles i am missing somthing.
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Fat Free or Low Fat Cottage Cheese? Kind of on the high side for sodium though. Just a thought...
