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I know this is going to sound really really unhealthy but is there any way to lose around 5 pds in 10 days or maybe 7 pds in 10 days i started dieting and exercising about a month ago i was doing great for the first 2 weeks then i cut my head open and couldn't do much then about a week later after my head had healed i had gotten food poisoning so i couldn't even eat now i only have until June 4th to lose 5-7 pounds i knows its unhealthy and i will continue to eat and work out healthy i just need to lose the weight by the 4th like i had tried and planned on doing please help i really need it thanks everyone!!!!

Any ideas i've searched all over the internet and i found were sites for diet pills.
well, there is the Rice Diet. Its a bit strict, but if you stay on it, they claim you can loose up to 8 pds every week.

There is a thread on this site for it, check it out for more info.
Thank you!!!!

I went to the rice diet forum i really didn't understand it much i am on a budget also please any suggestions would help i really need to drop this 5-7 within 10 days!!!!
I read through the rice diet thread and im actually really up for it, im going to start in a weeks time...i dont think they food is bad for u, its fruit and vegetables, oats and wholewheats...the best there is :)
no, its good food! besides the majority of the starch you eat is on the detox day.

if you have any questions, you should PM redneckwoman66 or secretlysize7, they both are doing the diet and loving it
quick fix

FASTING is the Only Sure thing. I don't know where you are right now, as far as how many pounds you have left to go.
Fasting won't kill you - it's actually pretty healthy from time to time. The first day is the hardest. Since tomorrow is June 4th - I may have read your post way too late.

Drink water like there's no tomorrow! Best of luck!
So how did things work out?