Hmmm, I am surprised that so many are opposed to it, but I am new around here so I will just have to get used to it, LOL.
Coming from the fitness industry, especially nowadays, there is little to no separation between the sexes. Someone above comments that women don't want to bodybuild, and that could not be further from the truth. I will show you a list of my clients who do. Another statement above mentions how women want to tone. Last time I checked, men were just as concerned about toning as women. Abs are the muscle that most heavily depends on "toning" and I think men chase abs more then women, in general.
Also, what is bodybuilding really? I consider myself a bodybuilder, yet, I don't actually go out on stage. I build the muscles on my body. That is what bodybuilding really is, adding lean muscle mass to your frame. I know for a fact, both men and women desire this, and rightfully so! The same goes for toning. When it comes to altering your body, you either gain muscle mass or shed body fat. I think all the members here, or atleast the majority, are concerned with one or the other, male or female.
In the industry, nutrition and fitness are not male or female things, it is a human thing. Both the male and female bodies work the same when it comes to gaining muscle mass or losing body fat. I know there are numerous trainers in this forum and I hope they can provide their 2 cents.
Someone above states that some men who are interested in losing fat are confused about where to post their questions because the only "weight loss" section of the forum resides under "women's fitness." So we either add another "weight loss" section under "men's fitness," or we combine the forums. Why would we make another section when both are going to be filled with great information that is applicable to both men and women?
To me, it seems logical that we would have a general fitness forum, where topics such as bodybuilding, weightloss, exercises, etc reside. Then we could have a "men's corner" and a "women's corner" for those of you who are interested in posting sex specific comments or questions. I just feel that 99% of the questions I find under men's and women's fitness right now are NOT sex specific.
I promise that I am not trying to prove some point or make a hard time, b/c truthfully, if it does not change.... I am not going to be mad or upset. Hell, I hate the idea that I could be stepping on someone's toes. I am waiting for someone to yell out, "start your own dang forum if you don't like it around here." Haha, and that could not be further from the truth. I have a true passion for helping people who need it and that is my motivation!
I simply want to hear a logical reason as to why we would not combine them.
I don't think saying, "well if we combine them we are going to have to write the word "male" or "female" in our description so one knows what sex we are" is an important issue at all. Being a trainer, if it means more people can easily find the information they seek, the better off the forum is.